ISSN 1008-5548

CN 37-1316/TU

Journal Online  2025 Vol.31
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Controlled preparation of iron nitride and its research progress in Fischer-Tropsch synthesis

WEI Yuxue1 ,WANG Wenjing1 ,WANG Chijun2 ,REN Mingyang1 ,ZHANG Ye1 ,HE DONG3

LI Mingjun3 ,LIU Jiuyi1 ,ZHANG Chenhua1 ,SUN Song1

1. School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Anhui University, Hefei 230601, China;2. China Shenhua Coal to Liquid Chemical

Co. , Ltd. , Beijing 100011, China;3. Wuhu Saibao Information Industry Technology Research Institute Co. , Ltd. , Wuhu 241003, China


Significance Iron nitride holds great potential for further enhancing the performance of Fischer-Tropsch (FT) synthesis reactions due to its rich phase structure, unique carbonaceous characteristics, and favorable physicochemical adsorption properties.This paper reviews the research progress of iron nitride in FT synthesis. It facilitates the design and development of FT catalysts,contributing to the achievement of ‘carbon peaking’ and ‘carbon neutrality’.

Progress Common types of iron nitride include Fe2N, Fe3N, and Fe4N. The main preparation methods of iron nitride are iron oxide reduction nitriding, iron salt nitriding, and nitriding of metal-organic framework materials. The phase transformation of iron nitride is related to μN and temperature. As a catalyst for FTh synthesis, iron nitride primarily produces high-carbon hydrocarbons, low-carbon olefins, and high-carbon alcohols. The selectivity for low-carbon olefins in iron nitride catalysts can be improved by adding carriers and additives. Under FTh reaction conditions, the nitrogen atoms in iron nitride can exchange with carbon atoms, forming iron carbide. Studies have shown that iron carbide remains the active phase in FTh synthesis. Despite these advancements, achieving high activity in iron nitride catalysts and high selectivity of target products remains an important challenge that needs to be addressed.

Conclusions and Prospects This paper systematically reviews the preparation of iron nitride and summarizes the current research on iron nitride catalysts for CO hydrogenation to produce high-carbon alcohols, low-carbon olefins, and high-carbon hydrocarbons. However, most existing studies on iron nitride focus on catalytic performance, and there has been no systematic research on the active phase structure of iron nitride catalysts, the phase transformationprocess of iron nitride during FTh reactions, or the relationship between iron nitride, iron carbide, and their chemical environment. Additionally, due to the similarity in crystal structure parameters between iron nitride and iron carbide, and the dynamic evolution of the active phase structure under high-temperature and high-pressure reaction conditions, there is an urgent need to employ in-situ characterization techniques to reveal the phase evolution of iron nitride under reaction conditions and identify the active phase.

Keywords:iron nitride; controlled preparation; phase structure; Fischer−Tropsch synthesis

Get Citation:WEI Yuxue, WANG Wenjing, WANG Chijun, et al. Controlled preparation of iron nitride and its research progress in Fischer-Tropsch synthesis[J]. China Powder Science and Technology2025311):143-153.


Funding Project:国家自然科学基金项目,编号:21902001,22179001,22102001;安徽省高校杰出青年科研项目,编号:2022AH020007;安徽省高校协同创新项目,编号: GXXT-2023-009;安徽省高等学校自然科学基金项目,编号:2023AH050114

First Author:魏宇学(1991—),女,副教授,博士,硕士生导师,研究方向为多相催化。E-mail:weiyuxue@ahu. edu. cn。

Corresponding Author:孙松(1982—),男,教授,博士,博士生导师,安徽省百人计划(青年)获得者,研究方向为多相催化和化工新材料。Email:suns@ustc. edu. cn。


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Serial No:1008-5548(2025)01-0143-11