ISSN 1008-5548

CN 37-1316/TU

Journal Online  2023 Vol.29
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Powder silo design and discharge characteristics: a review

WU Zhen1a, WANG Liqiang1, XU Limin2, GAO Weijun2

(1a. College of Mechanical Engineering; 1b. Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Advanced Food Manufacturing Equipment and Technology,Jiangnan University, Wuxi 214122, China; 2. Jiangsu Innovative Packaging Technology Co., Ltd., Yangzhou 225600, China)

Abstract: The design elements of powder silo were reviewed, including flow pattern, size and shape, and material. The design of integral flow silo was analyzed based on Jenike theory. The discharge characteristics of powder hopper such as gravity discharge, vibration discharge, pneumatic discharge and mechanical agitation discharge, as well as the discharge flow rate and pressure in hopper of gravity discharge and influence of fluid modification in hopper were summarized. It is proposed that the flow pattern of the silo is the primary consideration in the design of the silo, and the overall flow can be the first choice for the designer. It is considered that changing the fluid in the hopper is a commonly used structure to improve the powder flow and has a wide application prospect. It can be used to improve the flow environment and flow area of the powder in the hopper, increase the flow rate of the powder and reduce the overload pressure during discharge. Vibration unloading, pneumatic unloading and mechanical stirring unloading are common external flow-supporting devices in silos. The appropriate flow-supporting methods should be selected considering the requirements of working conditions, economy, safety and other factors. The study of particle motion in complex silos will become the main hotspot and difficulty in the future engineering field.

Keywords: silo design; discharge flow rate; pressure distribution; silo insert; flow aid

Received: 2022-10-23,Revised:2022-11-06,Online:2022-11-19 19:35。

Funding Project:中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目,编号:JUSRP21115;江苏省食品先进制造装备技术重点实验室自主资助基金项目,编号:FMZ201902。

First Author:吴震(1998—),男,硕士研究生,研究方向为包装工艺与机械。E-mail:。

Corresponding Author:王利强(1977—),男,教授,博士,博士生导师,研究方向为包装机械。E-mail:。



Type Code:A

Serial No:1008-5548(2023)01-0019-12