TONG Qianfeng, LIU Qinghai, PENG Wenlian, DAI Xiaodong
(Institute of Chemical Defense, Academy of Military Sciences, Beijing 102205, China)
Abstract:Based on the single-jet electrospinning method, the preparation method of polyacrylonitrile(PAN)nanofiber composite films doped with graphene powder was established.The effects of the type and doping content of graphene powder on the microstructure of the composite films were studied.The results show that with the graphene powder sheet diameter becoming smaller, the number of sheets becoming less and the doping content becoming higher, it is the more conducive to reducing the average diameter of nanofibers.In addition, by optimizing the preparation process of spinning precursor solution, the sheet diameter of graphene is reduced, and the doping content of graphene further increase to 7%.The diameter of nanofibers in the prepared composite film also further reduce, which is 34.0% less than that of the film without graphene.The established preparation method is conducive to obtaining PAN film with smaller fiber diameter, reducing the pore diameter of the film, improving the mechanical properties of the film, and improving its filtering effect on ultrafine particles.
Keywords:graphene; polyacrylonitrile; electrospinning; nanofibers; composite films
Received:2022-12-11,Revised:2022-12-19,Online:2023-01-06 11:06。
Funding Project:国防预研基金项目,编号30110020502,JK20211A040541。
First Author:童乾峰(1999—),女,硕士研究生,研究方向为纳米纤维复合薄膜技术。。
Corresponding Author:代晓东(1974—),男,研究员,博士,博士生导师,研究方向为军用功能材料技术。。
CLC No:TQ342+.3
Type Code:A
Serial No:1008-5548(2023)02-0130-09