CHENG Huan1, YANG Teng1, CUI Shuai1, XU Zhengrui1, LENG Hao1,QIAN Yunlou2, LIN Longyuan1,CHEN Haiyan1
(1.School of Environment and Resource, Southwest University of Science and Technology, Mianyang 621000, China;2.Intelligcnt Security Collaborative Innovation Center, Zhejiang College of Security Technology, Wenzhou 325016, China)
Abstract: To understand the effect of slot-type nozzles with different length-width ratios on cleaning performance of flat filter cartridge, the peak pressure of positive(pulse hole opposite to filter panel)and non-positive pulse airflows with three kinds of nozzles were examined under different pulse pressures and jet distances.The rule of peak pressure will be found.Through further industrial tests, the systemic resistance and residual dust were measured and weighed to determine the best parameter combination.The results show that the best slot-type nozzle is 1 mm×39 mm(width×length).Then the peak pressure of opposite nozzles is increasing and the peak pressure of non-opposite nozzles is decreasing when the width of slot-type nozzles is increasing, the uneven pressure distribution on the surface of flat filter increases.Under the same condition, the optimal jet distance of the 1 mm×39 mm slot-type nozzle is 20~40mm, and the optimal jet distance of the 3 mm×13 mm slot-type nozzle is 40 mm.Moreover,the smaller the flat filtration velocity, the smaller the systematic resistance and the less the residual dust cakes lead to the better cleaning performance of flat filter cartridge.The fundamental demands of dust-cleaning will be met with a pulse pressure of 0.3 MPa when the flat filtration velocity is 0.6 m/min.
Keywords: slot-type nozzles; flat filter cartridge; peak pressure; resistance; residual dust
中图分类号:X964 文献标志码:A
收稿日期: 2021-11-18, 修回日期:2022-03-04,在线出版时间:2022-05-05。