WU Xuxu,XIE Guangyuan,WU Chuandong,SHI Ke
(School of Materials and Metallurgy, Wuhan University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430081, China)
Abstract: Triethanolamine, trioleate, corn oil and fish oil were selected as four kinds of dispersants. Zirconia slurry were prepared according to different formulations and their sedimentation heights were tested respectively. The influence of dispersant types on the microstructure of slurry sediments was observed and analyzed by SEM. After the optimal dispersant is selected, the sintered billets were made and their bending strength and sintering shrinkage were tested and the influence of mass of the optimal dispersant on the mechanical properties of the sintered billet was studied. The results show that when fish oil is used as dispersant, the zirconiaslurry is the most stable and uniformand the sedimentation height reaches the minimum of 3.9 cm and the effect is the best among the four dispersants. When fish oil is used as the dispersant, the size of slurry sediment particles is uniform, the shape is regular, the particle gap is small and there is almost no pores. With the increasing of fish oil mass, the bending strength of sintered billet firstly increases and then decreases, and the sintering shrinkage firstly decreases and then increases. When the mass of fish oil is 1.5 g and the mass of 5YSZ is 105 g, the maximum bending strength of the sintered billet is 33 MPa and the minimum sintering shrinkage is 4.2%.
Keywords: dispersant; zirconia slurry; sintered billet; sedimentation height; sintering shrinkage; bending strength
收稿日期: 2021-04-20,修回日期:2021-06-28,在线出版时间:2021-10-18 17:29。
第一作者简介:吴旭旭(1996—),男,硕士研究生,研究方向为NOx传感器芯片的工艺设计。E-mail: 1756075401@qq.com。
通信作者简介:谢光远(1965—),男,教授,博士,硕士生导师,研究方向为氧化锆固体电解质传感器的开发。E-mail: xiegywh65@126.com。