SHI Kaiwena,ZUO Yujuna,SUN Wenjibina,LIU Haoa,WU Zhonghub,LIN Jianyuna,LI Taotaoa
(a. Mining College; b. College of Civil Engineering, Guizhou University, Guiyang 550025, China)
Abstract: The irregular shape of the sample can significantly affect the compression process. This paper aimed to establish the three-dimensional numerical model based on real meso-structure using Rock Failure Process Analysis. We simulated the mechanical properties and deformation failure law of sandstone particles with different shapes under uniaxial compression. The effects of different shapes and heterogeneity on the mechanical behavior and fracture process of sandstone were studied. Our results show that the stress-strain curve of the specimens has brittleness-ductility under uniaxial compression. Meanwhile, as stress increases, tensile failure accumulates in rocks, resulting in the macroscopic shear crack zone. The peak strength of sandstone specimens with different shapes decreases by increasing the k value. Moreover, the specimen fracture showed an obvious shape effect, and the heterogeneity in the breaking process determines the crack propagation path. The current findings may play an important role in the crushing method and energy-saving of rock mining.
Keywords: digital image; irregular particle; failure process; meso-structure
中图分类号: TU451
收稿日期: 2021-04-12,修回日期:2021-07-06,在线出版时间:2021-10-18 16:30。