CHEN Linlin,WEI Yansong,SHI Xiaolei,JI Songtao
(China Institute of Atomic Energy,Beijing 102413,China)
Abstract:In view of the aerosol resuspension caused by denudation in the containment,the experimental research was carried out on the basis of comparison with the thermal-hydraulic hydrogen aerosol iodine aerosol resuspension (THAI AR1) test method,and the influence of different factors such as humidity conditions,airflow velocity,and deposition surface state were systematically studied.The results show that the verification test results are in good agreement with THAI AR1 and the test method is feasible.The aerosol resuspension rate caused by denudation is much lower than that caused by erosion,and there is an order of magnitude difference.
Keywords:resuspension;denudation;humid conditions;airflow velocity;state of sedimentary surface
中图分类号:TH766 文献标志码:A
收稿日期: 2020-05-08,修回日期:2020-05-21,在线出版时间:2020-07-08 15:20。