ISSN 1008-5548

CN 37-1316/TU

2004年10卷  第1期


An Quantum Theory of System with ExplicitTime-dependent Hamiltonian


摘要: 给出了明显与时间有关量子振动系统的哈密顿量的普遍形式。由量子湮灭算符和量子产生算符,构造了一组满足特定对易关系的量子算符,并由这组算符构造一个不变量算符,建立算符代数理论,由此得到量子振动系统的能级和波函数的具体表示。以一维量子阻尼振动系统为例,对该量子系统的量子力学问题进行了讨论

关键词: 哈密顿量;量子算符;不变量;量子论

Abstract:The ordinang form of Hamiltonian in the system of explicittime-dependence is given. A series quantutn operators meeting the specia.commutation rejectin are constructed through the annihilation operatorsand the creation operators, then an invariant operator is obtained. Thetheory of operator algebra is established,so that the particular expressionfor the enengy level and wave function of the quantum oscillatory syslemis obtained. As a special example, the quantum theories for the one-dimensional quantum damped oscillatory syster are discussed.

Keywords: Hamiltonian;quanturn operator;invariant;quantum theory