ISSN 1008-5548

CN 37-1316/TU

2004年10卷  第1期


Developments in Preparing Inorganic Nano-materials by Sonochemical Processes




Abstract: The preparation and application of nanomaterials have been sfud-ied intensively in lhe fjeld of mateial scicence in recent years due to their ex-cellenl perlormnances different from the bulk materials. Many methods havebeen developed to prepares nano-sized materials,among which sonochemicalprocess has been proven to be an very efficient and economical way to prepare nanomalerials. The ultrasonic effects on thereaction system are the dispersionby ultrasonices energy, pyrolyisis by cavitation, size control by shear andcrush, and influencingthe precipitation process by agitation. The principle ofultrasonic chemistry is described. Some sonochemical methods about prepa-ratjon ofinorganic nanomalerials such as metals and alloys, metal oxides andother melal compounds are reviewed in details.

Keywords: nano-materials; ultrasound; sonochemistry: cavitation