ISSN 1008-5548

CN 37-1316/TU

2004年10卷  第1期


Application of C51A Impacting Pulverizer to Superfine Crinding

Doi:10.13732/ 1. 1ssn. 1008

摘要:对 CMSIA 型冲击式超细粉碎机的工作原理进行了分析,同时也讨论了影响粉碎设备性能的因素,该型粉碎机是利用高速运转的锤头,采用于法粉碎技术,对莫式硬度小于5的物料进行超细粉碎,通过对煤系高岭土、滑石、碳酸钙类矿物等多种矿物的生产实践和应用研究,生产实践表明,该设备配以分级设备后,最终产品粒度为 1250目,产量200kg/h 以上,除粉碎外,该设备还具有提高被粉碎物料的纯度和解聚打散的功能。


Abstract: The characteristics of the CM51A impacting pulverizer for superfine grinding are brielly introduced. This type of the pulverization tech-nology is dry method by using high-speed rotary hammers in the pulveriz-er. The materials which ihe Mohr's hardness are less than 5 are suitable to bepulverized. The results o[the application research and prodution experiment ofthe coal measure kaolinite. talc, calcium cardonate and so on show lhat theparticle size ofthe superfine crashed producls is 1250 mesh, the oulput is morethan 200 kg/h when the separtor is equipped.

Keywords: inpacting pulverizer: superfine grinding; application reseaerch