ISSN 1008-5548

CN 37-1316/TU

2006年12卷  第2期


Applied Study of Hydraulic Overflowing Classify on Superfine α -Al 2O3 Powder

作者:陈 玮,王庆伟,陈 燕,李晋峰

摘 要: 水力溢流分级精度较高,是目前常用的超细颗粒分级方法, 通过溢流分级,可以将研磨后的粉体分级成为某一特定粒度分布的粉 体,以适应研磨抛光等行业对粒度分布的要求。通过水力溢流分级, 研究了分散剂、超声波等因素对超细α-Al2O3 水力分级的影响,结果 表明,分散剂虽然可以消除分级过程中的小颗粒现象,但是也对分级 结果产生负面影响,使分级后的产品粒度分布变宽;加入分散剂,同 时超声处理后样品可以得到较好的分级结果,分级后的粒度分布较窄。 

关键词: 水力分级;小颗粒现象;溢流分级;氧化铝

Abstract: Hydraulic overflowing separation is a high degree of accu racy solution of powder gradation .Single-size distribution of powder can be obtained by hydraulic overflowing separation,which can be used on abrading and polishing technology. Hydraulic overflowing separa tion process onα-Al2O3 powder was studied . Some factors of separa tion process influenced the results, such as disperser, supersonic et al. The small particle phenomenon was weaken by disperser, but the size distribution was widen .Co-action of disperser and supersonic not only made mall particle phenomenon weaken, but also led a narrow size distribution. 

Keywords: hydraulic separation;small particle phenomenon; hydraulic overflowing separation; alumina