ISSN 1008-5548

CN 37-1316/TU

2006年12卷  第4期


Preparation and Characterization of Nanometer Alumina Powder by Cathode Precipitation Method


摘要:采用阴极电化学沉淀方法制备氧化铝纳米粉体,对得到的纳米粉体进行了光吸收性能测试,并对其形成机理进行了初步的探讨。利用阴离子交换膜为隔膜的电解槽,在不添加分散剂的情况下,控制阴极的电流密度在150~ 500 A/m2范围,电解一定浓度的硝酸铝溶液,在阴极室内得到Al(OH)3; 沉淀,在500 C下焙烧2h.得到不同粒度的Al2O3,颗粒:用TEM和XRD分析表明:当阴极的电流密度为300A/m'时,得到的Al2O3粒度尺寸在30~40nm左右,晶型为y-AlO3.对波长为370nm左右的紫外光有一定的吸收能力。


Abstract: Nanometer alumina powder was made by electrochemistry deposition on cathod. The theory of its preparation was elementarily investigated and its light absorption capability was tested . Aluminium bydroxide was made on cathod in the electrobath divided by anion-excbang membrane under the current density of 150 ~ 500 A/m2 without dispersant. Different sizes of alumina particles were prepared after 2 hunder the calcined condition of 500 C. The results analyzed by means of TEM and XRD showed that the crystal of γ-Al2O3; was obtained under the current density of 300 A/m- with the size of average particles ranging ftom 30 nm to 40 nm which processes absorption capability for violet light at the wavelength of 370 nm or so to a certainty.

Keywords:electrolytic method, ; alumina ;nano-scale powder