ISSN 1008-5548

CN 37-1316/TU

2006年12卷  第6期


Application of Rapid Expansion of Supercritical Solution Process in Particle Encapsulation


摘 要: 超临界溶液快速膨胀技术是一种新兴的超细粒子包覆技 术。本文中综述了近年来利用超临界溶液快速膨胀技术进行超细粒 子包覆的研究现状, 介绍了超临界溶液快速膨胀技术的基本原理, 总结了应用此技术制备包覆粒子的方法、特点及影响因素, 并对其 今后的研究方向及应用前景进行了展望。 

关键词: 超临界流体;超临界溶液快速膨胀;微粒包覆

Abstract: The rapid expansion of supercritical solution(RESS) process for particle encapsulation is a recently developed technology. A review on the latest research of the technology was presented. The methods of RESS in particle encapsulation including its principles, advantages, shortcoming and the effect factors were described in detail and its appli cation prospect was also outlooked. 

Keywords: supercritical fluid; rapid expansion of supercritical solation; particle encapsulation