摘 要: 为了研究制备超细碳酸钙过程中凝胶现象对反应过程及产 物性能的影响, 本文中以碳化法制备超细碳酸钙中的凝胶现象为例, 研究了不同工艺参数( 温度、石灰乳浓度、碳化气体流量、添加剂) 对 凝胶现象的影响, 探讨了凝胶产生的微观原因, 并提出了加入适当成 核添加剂以避免凝胶产生的新方法。研究结果表明, 避免凝胶出现或 减轻凝胶现象的主要方法是在保持产品粒径达到要求的前提下控制 反应温度在一定范围内, CO2 的气体流量不能过大, 石灰乳液浓度不 能过高。选择适当的能产生微晶的添加剂来优化反应进程, 能够与体 系中的反应物作用产生微晶的物质, 避免凝胶的发生。
关键词: 超细碳酸钙; 凝胶; 碳化; 添加剂
Abstract: In order to research the effects of gelation on the reaction pro cess and properties of product during preparing superfine CaCO3 pow der, the effects of different parameters such as temperature, Ca(OH) 2 oncentration, CO2 flow rate and additive on the gelation were re searched, taking the carbonization process of superfine CaCO3 powder as an example. The reasons of the gelation were discussed on microcosmic level.. The new method for avoiding gelation by addition of nucleation a gent was suggested. The results show that controlling the temperature, Ca(OH)2 concentration and CO2 flow rate in a suitable range can avoid or weaken the gelation. The suitable micro-crystalline nucleation agent can optimize the reaction process and avoid the gelation through producing some micro-crystalline resultants.
Keywords: ultrafine calcium carbonate; gelation; carbonation; additive