ISSN 1008-5548

CN 37-1316/TU

2007年13卷  第4期


Correlation of Powders' Particle Size Distribution Fractal with Flowability and Flow Addition Reagent Magnesium Stearate




Abstract: There is a consanguineous relationship between powders' particle size distribution and theirflowability, particle size distribution fractal dimension (PSDF) could denote the particle size distribution excellently . The particle size distribution fractal was introduced into powders' flowability testing, through used the mathematical model which utilize the geom etry properties of the particle, and propitious to the digital micrographic image analysis method. It was gained the fractal dimensions, discussed the relationship between the powders' flowability denotation parameters and powders' PSDF, and also made a primary research about the action effect of flow addition reagent magnesium stearate. The resultsshow that the PSDF can denote the fluidity of the powder, and guide the adulteration of the flow addition reagent too. 

Keywords: powder; particlessize distribution; fractal dimension; flowability