ISSN 1008-5548

CN 37-1316/TU

2008年14卷  第2期


Development of Nano-powder Synthesis by Microwave Homogeneous Precipitation

作者:袁 鹏, 李保平, 王介强

摘 要: 介绍了微波加热原理及优势, 并从动力学及热力学的角度初 步探索了微波均相沉淀法制备纳米粉体的反应机理及应用, 认为要深 入揭示微波在纳米粉体制备过程中的作用机理, 还需大量的理论基础 研究。对于粉体制备过程中的团聚问题进行了简单讨论, 并对该领域 的发展前景及存在问题作了一些展望。 

关键词: 微波加热; 纳米粉体; 微波均相沉淀

Abstract: The mechanism of microwave heating as well as its advantages was described briefly. According to precipitation kinetics and thermody namics, the application in preparation of nano-powder by microwave ho mogeneous precipitation was illustrated. It was considered that a lot of theoretical researches were needed in order to reveal the microwave mechanism detailedly. The prospect for future developments and existing problem in this area was also discussed. 

Keywords: microwave heating; nano-powder; microwave homoge neous precipitation