ISSN 1008-5548

CN 37-1316/TU

2018年24卷  第6期


Kinetics of calcium carbonate decomposition under rapid heating condition


摘要:在自行搭建的多气氛竖直管式高温煅烧实验平台上进行碳酸钙高温煅烧实验, 样品在推入炉膛后即升温至较高温度。由对样品失质量曲线的分析可知:在快速加热条件下, 温度对碳酸钙分解反应有较大影响, 在950~1 000℃内影响较大, 在1 000~1 100℃内影响较小;通过对比动力学模型得知:在快速加热条件下, 反应气氛为CO2-N2混合气氛 (CO2、N2体积分数分别为25%、75%) 、纯N2时碳酸钙分解反应最概然模型为三维随机成核和随后生长模型, 且2种气氛的表观活化能E分别为207.741、203.786 kJ/mol, 说明CO2对分解炉中碳酸钙分解存在抑制作用, 会延长碳酸钙的完全分解时间。


Abstract:The calcium carbonate decomposition test was conducted on an isothermal multi-atmosphere vertical tube combustion test platform. The sample was instantly heated up to the operating temperature after being pushed into the furnace.Through the analysis of the weight loss curve of the sample, it can be found that in the rapid heating condition the temperature has great influence on the decomposition reaction of calcium carbonate. Furthermore, the temperature has greater influence in the lower temperature range (950~1 000 ℃) than in the higher range (1 000~1 100 ℃) . By comparing several kinetic models, the most probable kinetic model of calcium carbonate decomposition at CO2-N2 and pure N2 under rapid heating condition is random nucleation and growth model (n=1/3) . The activation energy values of calcium carbonate decomposition reaction are 207.741 and 203.786 kJ/mol respectively. The results show that CO2 inhibits the decomposition of calcium carbonate in the precalciner and it will prolong the complete decomposition time of calcium carbonate.

Keywords:calcium carbonate;high-temperature decomposition;kinetic model;activation energy