刘 清1,许 飞1,2,冉枫菱1,唐小林1,周云5,杨 瑞4,王东星1,3
1. 南华大学 土木工程学院,湖南 衡阳 421001;
2. 河南省中工设计研究院集团股份有限公司,河南 郑州 450009;
3. 武汉大学 土木建筑工程学院, 湖北 武汉 430072;
4. 湖南工学院 土木与建筑工程学院, 湖南 衡阳 421001;
5. 湖南省亿辉建筑有限公司,湖南 衡阳 421001
刘清,许飞,冉枫菱, 等. 铅锌尾矿粉地聚物混凝土的制备及性能研究[J]. 中国粉体技术, 2025, 31(2): 1-10.
LIU Qing, XU Fei, RAN Fengling, et al. Preparation and properties of lead-zinc tailings powder geopolymer concrete[J]. China
Powder Science and Technology, 2025, 31(2): 1−10.
收稿日期:2024-03-03, 修回日期:2024-07-12,上线日期:2025-02-19。
第一作者简介: 刘清(1979—),女,教授,博士,硕士生导师,研究方向为固体废物资源化利用。E-mail: liuqing197901@163. com 。
通信作者简介: 杨瑞(1971—),女,实验师,硕士,研究方向为固体废物资源化利用。E-mail: hraveheart@163. com。
王东星(1984—),男,教授,博士,博士生导师,湖南省芙蓉计划高层次人才、湖南省杰青,研究方向为环境岩土工程。E-mail:dongxing-wang@whu. edu. cn。
尾矿粉地聚物混凝土,进而提高铅锌尾矿粉的利用率同时保护生态环境。【方法】 通过调节水胶比(质量比,下同)、铅锌尾矿粉掺量(质量比,下同)、碱当量测试混凝土的和易性、立方体破坏形态及力学性能,并根据力学性能试验结果对抗
压-劈拉强度进行非线性拟合。【结果】当水胶比为0. 35时,地聚物混凝土和易性最优;随着立方体抗压和劈拉强度的提
高,破坏形态由边界破坏转变为边界-骨料共同破坏; 抗压和劈拉强度随水胶比的增大呈先增加后显著下降的趋势,碱
当量为10. 5%时立方体抗压和劈拉强度随铅锌尾矿粉掺量的增加逐渐降低,碱当量为11. 5%和12.5%时立方体抗压和劈拉强度随铅锌尾矿粉掺量的增加先升高后降低; 通过幂函数拟合抗压-劈拉强度关系, 得到拟合公式fts=0. 115 f 0. 873
cu ,拉压比在1/15~1/12之间。【结论】当水胶比、铅锌尾矿粉掺量和碱当量分别为0. 35、40%和1.5%时,所制备的地聚物混
Objective China is a major global producer and consumer of lead and zinc, but the mining of these resources generates large
quantities of lead-zinc tailings. Due to the differences in mining technologies and mineral processing techniques, the comprehensive utilization rate of these tailings remains low, resulting in significant accumulation. This not only poses serious environmental risks, such as heavy metal pollution, but also threatens public safety as dams of tailings reservoirs may breach due to
earthquakes or floods. Although tailings have certain applications in building materials, such as cement clinker, unburned
bricks, and wall panels, their overall resource utilization rate remains low.Geopolymer concrete, a green alternative to traditional cement, uses activated aluminosilicate precursors to replace conventional cementitious materials. This concrete has excellent mechanical properties and durability, with lower energy consumption and CO2 emissions compared to ordinary concrete.
Using lead-zinc tailings powder, rich in silicon and aluminum, as a precursor for geopolymer concrete can help reduce the environmental impact of tailings accumulation, while reducing the amount of cement used, saving costs, and reducing CO2 emissions.
Methods In this study, the modulus of sodium water glass composite alkali activator was set to 1. 20. To avoid the influence of
aggregates on experimental results, the mass ratio of aggregate to cementitious material was fixed to 2. 8, the sand ratio at 0. 30, and the concrete density at 2 500 kg/m3, according to the ordinary concrete mix design specifications. Experimental variables
included: water-binder ratio( k1)( 0. 30, 0. 33, 0. 35, 0. 38, 0. 41, 0. 47,and 0.5), lead-zinc tailings powder content(k2) (30%, 40%, and 50%), and alkali equivalent (k3) (Na2O content in sodium silicate relative to total cementitious material
weight being 10. 5%, 11. 5%, and 12. 5%). By adjusting these variables, the workability, cube failure morphologies, and
mechanical properties of the concrete were tested, and a nonlinear fitting analysis of compressive and splitting tensile strengths
was carried out based on the test results.
Results and Discussion k1 had a significant effect on the slump and expansion of geopolymer concrete. With the increase in k1, both slump and expansion increased, but its effects on cohesiveness and water retention were more complex. When k1 was less
than 0. 35, the mixture became too viscous, requiring extensive vibration. When k1 was between 0. 35 and 0. 44, the mixture
showed optimal cohesiveness and water retention, with no bleeding observed. However, when k1 was greater than 0. 44, segregation and bleeding occurred, adversely affecting mold formation. The choice of water-binder ratio was critical for concrete workability. Too low or too high ratios impaired the performance of geopolymer concrete. With the increase in cubic compressive
strength, the failure mode changed from interfacial zone failure to a interfacial zone-aggregate joint failure. The compressive
strength and splitting tensile strength increased first and then decreased significantly with the increase in k1. A power function
was used to fit the relationship between splitting tensile strength and compressive strength, which was in good agreement with the
experimental results. The tensile-compressive ratio for lead-zinc tailings geopolymer concrete was ranged from 1/12 to 1/15, comparable to that of ordinary concrete and high-performance concrete.
Conclusion Considering workability, compressive strength, and splitting tensile strength, the optimal mix for lead-zinc tailings
geopolymer concrete is: water-binder ratio of 0. 35, lead-zinc tailings powder content of 40%,alkali equivalent of 11. 5%.
Under these conditions, the compressive strength and splitting tensile strength are 55. 87 MPa and 4. 01 MPa, respectively. In
general, geopolymer concrete prepared by lead-zinc tailings powder exhibits excellent workability and mechanical properties.
Keywords:lead-zinc tailings powder; geopolymer concrete; workability; failure morphology; mechanical property
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