南京航空航天大学 航空航天结构力学及控制全国重点实验室,江苏 南京 210016
何召慧,时运来,王君涵,等. 一种小型多层圆形振动式粒度仪的筛分效率[J]. 中国粉体技术, 2025, 31(2):1-10.
HE Zhaohui, SHI Yunlai, WANG Junhan, et al. Study on screening efficiency of a small multi-layer circular vibrating screen particle size analyzer[J]. China Powder Science and Technology, 2025, 31(2):1−10.
第一作者简介:何召慧(2000—),女,硕士生,研究方向为振动式粒度仪的设计与应用。E-mail:2968646988@qq. com。
通信作者简介:时运来(1976—),男,副教授,博士,博士生导师,研究方向为压电作动技术及其应用、精密运动系统设计及其控制技术、车间数字化建设。E-mail:shiyunlai950438@nuaa. edu. cn。
摘要:【目的】 研究振动式粒度仪的振动频率、振幅等因素对石英砂颗粒和河沙颗粒筛分效率的影响。【方法】 设计一款小型多层圆形振动式粒度仪,使用 Rocky DEM 仿真软件模拟振动式粒度仪筛分石英砂颗粒和河沙颗粒的过程;通过调节粒度仪振动筛分装置的振幅、频率等参数,计算在一定时间内不同筛分振幅和频率下颗粒的筛分效率;最后通过实验对2种颗粒的筛分效率进行测试。【结果】 Rocky DEM仿真结果表明,振动频率为75~105 Hz、振动幅度为0. 1~0. 2 mm时石英砂颗粒和河沙颗粒的筛分效率最高;在仿真结果最优频率及幅值范围内,该振动筛分装置的效率较高,对2种颗粒的筛分效率均大于90%。【结论】 研究小型多层圆形振动筛分装置的筛分效率,能够有效缩短振动式粒度仪筛分的时间且达到更高的筛分效率,避免振动筛分装置的筛分效率低导致的能源浪费。
Objective The screening efficiency of a vibrating particle size analyzer is a key indicator of its effectiveness in particle size separation. However, there has been limited research on the screening efficiency of small multi-layer circular vibrating screen particle size analyzers under different vibration parameters. This study investigates the impact of vibration frequency, amplitude,and other factors on the screening efficiency of quartz sand and river sand particles, aiming to identify the optimal vibration parameters that maximize particle screening efficiency and improve the energy utilization of the device.
Methods A small multi-layer circular vibrating particle size analyzer was designed, using mechanical vibrations to separate particles through six layers of standard circular sieves. The core functional module of the analyzer was the vibrating screening device, consisting of a voice coil motor as the vibration source, springs, a fixed base plate, and a top plate forming a complete vibration system. The voice coil motor offered the advantages such as fast response and convenient control, allowing parameter adjustments of vibration frequency and excitation force through a device drive controller. Rocky DEM simulation software was employed to simulate the screening process of quartz sand and river sand particles. Parameters such as vibration amplitude and frequency were adjusted in the motion settings of the software, while material properties of each structural part of the device and contact parameters between particles and the sieve, as well as between particles themselves, were configured in the software material database. The screening efficiency of particles on the first and sixth layers of the sieve under various amplitudes and vibration frequencies over a certain period was calculated, producing efficiency curves as a function of these parameters. Experiments were conducted by measuring the vibration amplitude of the voice coil motor under different excitation forces and frequencies using a laser vibrometer. Screening efficiency tests of quartz sand and river sand particles were then performed within the optimal frequency and amplitude ranges obtained from the simulation.
Results and Discussion The Rocky DEM simulation results showed that the screening efficiency of quartz sand and river sand particles exhibited similar trends in terms of vibration amplitude and frequency. The highest efficiency was achieved when the vibration frequency was within 75-105 Hz and the amplitude was between 0. 1-0. 2 mm. Experimental results further validated these findings, showing that when the excitation force ranged between 70-90 N, the amplitude of the voice coil motor was 0. 08-0. 23 mm at a vibration frequency of 75-105 Hz, aligning closely with the optimal parameters from the simulation. Within these optimal parameters, the screening device achieved high efficiency, with screening efficiency exceeding 90% for both types of particles when the screening duration was set to 5 minutes and the excitation force was set to 90 N, meeting the qualification standards for particle size analyzers using mechanical screening methods.
Conclusion Using a voice coil motor with simple and convenient adjustment of vibration frequency and excitation force as the excitation source, the study examines the screening efficiency of a small multi-layer circular vibrating screening device on sand river and quartz particles under various vibration parameters. The results fill a research gap regarding the screening efficiency of such devices. Operating within the optimal screening parameters derived from the simulation effectively reduces screening time and enhances the screening efficiency of the vibrating particle size analyzer, thereby preventing energy waste due to low screening efficiency of the device.
Keywords:particle size analyzer; small multi-layer circular vibrating screen; DEM simulation; screening efficiency
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