任克旗1 ,王 勇1 ,雷兵兵2a ,张江鹏2b ,刘 杰1,2ab
1. 石河子大学 水利建筑工程学院,新疆 石河子 832003;2. 新疆交通规划勘察设计研究院有限公司 a. 新疆维吾尔自治区山地交通基础设施灾害防治技术工程研究中心,b. 新疆高寒高海拔山区交通基础设施安全与健康重点实验室,新疆 乌鲁木齐 830000
任克旗,王勇,雷兵兵,等. 风积沙油污泥热解残渣泡沫轻质土性能分析[J]. 中国粉体技术, 2025, 31(2):1-11.
REN Keqi, WANG Yong, LEI Bingbing, et al. Research on performance of foamed lightweight soil of aeolian sand and oil sludge pyrolysis residues[J]. China Powder Science and Technology, 2025, 31(2):1−11.
第一作者简介:任克旗(1998—),男,硕士生,研究方向为泡沫轻质土材料。E-mail:675437050@qq. com。
通信作者简介:王勇(1983—),男,副教授,硕士,硕士生导师,研究方向为道路建筑材料与特殊路基设计。E-mail:115167218@qq. com。
摘要:【目的】 制备环保经济且抗压强度较高的风积沙油污泥热解残渣泡沫轻质土(foamed lightweight soil of aeolian sand and oil sludge pyrolysis residues,简称 SOFS)材料,用于路基填筑。【方法】 以风积沙、油污泥热解残渣、水泥、复合发泡剂、水为原料制备SOFS,设计25组六因素五水平正交试验,通过流动度、28 d抗压强度试验和微观分析,对比各因素对SOFS的流动度、抗压强度和试件内部结构的影响,确定原料的最佳配合比。【结果】 风积沙掺量、油污泥热解残渣掺量、水固比对SOFS的流动度与无侧限抗压强度的影响较大;搅拌时间、发泡剂稀释倍数、泡沫与浆液体积比对SOFS的流动度影响较小,对抗压强度影响显著;微观分析表明风积沙和油污泥热解残渣均参与了水泥的水化反应,水化反应生成孔径均匀的水化硅酸钙凝胶,有助于提高材料的强度; SOFS最佳配合比为泡沫与浆液体积比为0. 8∶1,发泡剂稀释45倍,水固比为 0. 33∶1,搅拌时间为 100 s,油污泥热解残渣掺量为 120 g,风积沙掺量为 90 g。【结论】 最佳配合比制备的 SOFS符合城市快速路、高速公路、一级公路路面底面深度为0~0. 8 m的路基填筑规范要求,可以作为沙漠公路路基填筑材料。
Objective To promote waste utilization and rational use of resources, aeolian sand and pyrolysis residues of oil sludge are selected as raw materials to produce a sustainable and economical foamed lightweight soil. The study analyzes the fluidity and unconfined compressive strength of foamed lightweight soil of aeolian sand and oil sludge pyrolysis residues (SOFS) to prepare an environmentally friendly subgrade filling material with high compressive strength.
Methods Foamed lightweight soil was prepared using aeolian sand, pyrolysis residues of oil sludge, cement, a composite foaming agent, and water as raw materials. 25 sets of orthogonal experiments with six factors and five levels were designed. The fluidity and 28-day unconfined compressive strength were evaluated to determine the influences of various factors and obtain the optimal mix ratio. X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis was conducted to identify the ion components contained in various samples and assess the involvement of aeolian sand and oil sludge pyrolysis residues in the hydration reaction of cement. Electron microscope tests were used to examine the internal microstructures of test specimens, and the structural characteristics contributing to higher compressive strength were summarized.
Results and Discussion The content of aeolian sand, pyrolysis residues of oil sludge, and the water-solid ratio were found to have a greater impact on both the fluidity and unconfined compressive strength of the SOFS. The amount of aeolian sand affected fluidity due to the lack of cohesion in aeolian sand particles. Under the action of water flow and gravity, the slurry of the foamed lightweight soil tended to spread more easily. In contrast, the amount of oil sludge pyrolysis residues affected fluidity by reducing it because the sticky nature of these particles inhibited slurry spreading. The water-solid ratio also impacted fluidity. A higher water-solid ratio led to more water, which enhanced the driving force of the water, and consequently increased fluidity. Factors such as mixing time, dilution factor, and foam-to-slurry volume ratio had less impact on fluidity but significantly impacted compressive strength. The dilution factor of the foaming agent affected the foam size and its distribution in the slurry, thus affecting the compressive strength. The foam-to-slurry volume ratio mainly affected the porosity of the specimens, as higher porosity reduced the compressive strength. Moreover, water-solid ratio also influenced the impact of the admixture’s water absorption on the foam. A higher water-solid ratio minimized the effect of water absorption on the foam, allowing for a complete hydration reaction, which improved the compressive strength of the specimens. Moderate amounts of aeolian sand and oil sludge pyrolysis residues contributed to a denser structure, further improving the compressive strength of the specimens. Microscopic analysis showed that both aeolian sand and pyrolysis residues of oil sludge participated in the hydration reaction of cement, forming uniform C-S-H floccules with consistent pore sizes that improved the strength of the material. Based on these findings, the optimal mix ratio for the SOFS was determined to be as follows: a foam-to-slurry volume ratio of 0. 8∶1, a foaming agent dilution factor of 45 times, a water-solid ratio of 0. 33∶1, a mixing time of 100 s,120 g of pyrolysis residues, and 90 g of aeolian sand.
Conclusion The SOFS prepared with the optimal mix ratio achieves a wet density of 928 kg/m3,i.e.,wet unit weight of 9. 3 kN/m3,and a 28-day compressive strength of 3. 4 MPa, which exceeds the requirements for CF2.5 but falls below CF5. 0. The SOFS meets the specification requirements of a minimum compressive strength of 0.8 MPa and a minimum unit weight of 5 kN/m3 for subgrade filling within 0-0.8 m beneath urban expressways,highways,and first-class roads outlined in the Technical Specification for Foamed Mixture Lightweight Soil Filling Engineering(CJJ/T177—2012).
Keywords:aeolian sand; oil sludge pyrolysis residue; foamed lightweight soil; unconfined compressive strength; fluidity; microscopic analysis
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