李永峰1,3 ,梁麒懿1 ,刘 智2 ,程 高1 ,姬文晋1 ,窦永深3 ,刘三毛3
1. 广东工业大学 轻工化工学院,广东 广州 510006;2. 美的集团 佛山市顺德区美的洗涤电器制造有限公司,广东 佛山 528311;
3. 佛山市顺德区金磊环保科技有限公司,广东 佛山 528308
李永峰,梁麒懿,刘智,等 . 金属基底整体式催化剂的制备及其在气态污染物催化氧化中的应用[J]. 中国粉体技术,2025,31(2):1-18.
LI Yongfeng, LIANG Qiyi, LIU Zhi, et al. Preparation of metal-based monolithic catalysts and their application in catalytic oxi⁃dation of gaseous pollutants[J]. China Powder Science and Technology,2025,31(2):1−18.
第一作者简介:李永峰(1976—),男,教授,博士,博士生导师,广州市珠江科技新星,研究方向为大气污染物净化治理。E-mail:gdliyf@gdut. edu. cn。
摘要:【目的】 控制挥发性有机物和O3等气态污染物对人类健康和生态环境的危害,梳理金属基底整体式催化剂的制备及在气态污染物催化氧化中的应用。【研究现状】综述气态污染物治理方法,梳理整体式催化剂的特点与优势,包括陶瓷、金属基底整体式催化剂;概括制备方法,包括传统的浸渍法、涂覆法、喷涂法、水热法、电沉积法、化学镀自沉积法、原电池静电置换法;总结电辅助技术在金属基底整体式催化剂的应用。【结论与展望】提出在金属基底表面直接原位生长过渡金属氧化物活性层的原电池静电置换和化学镀自沉积等新方法,不但可以显著提高催化剂中活性组分在光滑金属基底表面的分布均匀性与负载牢固度,而且可以通过同时负载价格低廉的金属氧化物活性组分与贵金属进行协同催化,降低催化剂制备成本;认为在金属基底整体式催化剂上引入电致热内部直接供热和电辅助催化氧化等新反应模式,可以显著降低反应能量消耗,提高催化剂活性与稳定性。
Significance Developing effective and scalable treatment methods to reduce emissions of gaseous pollutants, such as volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and ozone, is essential for mitigating their harmful effects on human health and the ecological envi⁃ronment. This study reviews the preparation of metal-based monolithic catalysts and their applications in catalytic oxidation of gaseous pollutants.
Progress Catalytic oxidation is advantageous for gaseous pollutant treatment due to its high purification efficiency, wide applicability for various raw materials, low secondary pollution, and overall economic viability. Compared with traditional granular catalysts, metal-based monolithic catalysts offer notable benefits, including high mechanical strength, low bed pressure drop, efficient heat transfer, and effective mass transfer. This paper summarizes and analyzes aspects such as types of structured metallic substrates, preparation methods for monolithic catalysts, and application of electric-assisted technologies in the purification of gaseous pollutants.
Conclusions and Prospects New methods are proposed for the in-situ growth of transition metal oxide active layers on structured metallic substrates, including electroless plating self-deposition and one-step method utilizing redox reactions between two galvanic cells. These methods improve the dispersion uniformity and the adhesion strength of active components on smooth metal surfaces while reducing catalyst production costs by incorporating low-cost metal oxides for synergistic catalysis. Additionally,introducing novel electric-assisted technologies such as direct internal heating via electrothermal effects and electric-assisted catalytic oxidation can greatly reduce energy consumption and improve the activity and stability in the catalytic oxidation of gaseous pollutants.
Keywords:volatile organic compounds; ozone; monolithic catalyst; catalytic oxidation
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