胡明皓1 ,郭 猛1 ,王 康1 ,乐 斌1 ,杨伟强1 ,李 航1 ,黄晓炜1,2 ,相文峰1
1. 中国石油大学(北京) 新能源与材料学院,北京 102249;2. 桂林航天工业学院 理学院,广西 桂林 541004
胡明皓,郭猛,王康,等. 不同通风方式对室内气溶胶传播特性的影响[J]. 中国粉体技术,2025,31(2):1-11.
HU Minghao, GUO Meng, WANG Kang, et al. Impact of different ventilation methods on transmission characteristics of indoor aerosols[J]. China Powder Science and Technology,2025,31(2):1−11.
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目,编号 :62075245。
第一作者简介:胡明皓(1993—),男(满族),博士研究生,研究方向为先进能源材料。E-mail:251350517@qq. com。
摘要:【目的】 探究室内致病气溶胶在不同通风策略下的传播特性。【方法】 在超净实验室内,采用超声雾化技术释放二氧化硅气溶胶,以模拟致病性气溶胶在室内空间的污染扩散过程;通过分布式空气质量传感器监测并记录在不同通风模式下气溶胶随时间的扩散过程。【结果】 在无通风环境中,气溶胶传播速度缓慢且浓度呈正态分布;地板送风模式能加速气溶胶的传播速度,复杂气流导致室内气溶胶浓度激增;在垂直层流通风环境中,气溶胶的传输效率同样高效,在初始阶段,室内气溶胶浓度迅速攀升,但随着时间推移浓度逐渐降低,最终趋于0;此外,室内障碍物不仅减缓气溶胶的传播,还显著影响局部气溶胶浓度,显示室内布局优化的重要性。【结论】 垂直层流通风方式结合合理房间物品布局,能有效降低室内气溶胶浓度,减少疾病传播风险。
Objective To investigate the transmission characteristics of indoor pathogenic aerosols under different ventilation strategies.
Methods In this study, silica aerosol was used as a safe substitute to simulate indoor pollution. Three ventilation strategies were examined: no ventilation, floor ventilation, and vertical laminar flow ventilation. The experiments were conducted in a controlled ultra-clean laboratory, where silica aerosols were released, and real-time monitoring of aerosol concentration and dynamic changes was carried out using a high-precision air quality sensor network.
Results and Discussion The data under no ventilation revealed the complex mechanisms and dynamic changes of aerosol transmission, detailing the release, indoor diffusion, and eventual saturation of aerosols. By analyzing three key parameters, i. e. ,initial detection time, saturation time, and saturation concentration, the study explored aerosol transmission characteristics and spatial distribution. The data showed that the transmission speed from near to mid-range was approximately 1. 81 times faster than from mid-range to far-range, highlighting the decay of transmission speed with increasing distance. The presence of obstacles (such as biosafety cabinets) significantly extended the saturation time and increased concentration levels in specific areas. Under floor ventilation conditions, the dynamic changes in aerosol concentration indicated that ventilation significantly accelerated transmission, with the initial detection time reduced to 100~150 seconds and transmission speed increased by 7. 86 to 14. 2 times. Vertical laminar flow ventilation showed distinct advantages, with the initial detection time reduced to approximately 167 seconds and an average transmission speed increased to 0. 03 m/s, significantly higher than in the no-ventilation environment. The average concentration was reduced by about 23% compared to the no-ventilation environment, indicating that the top-to-bottom airflow pattern accelerated particle deposition. Vertical laminar flow ventilation effectively removed aerosols,significantly improving indoor air quality.
Conclusion The study explores the transmission characteristics of indoor aerosols under three ventilation strategies: no ventilation, floor ventilation, and vertical laminar flow ventilation. Without ventilation, aerosol transmission is slow, and the concentration shows a normal distribution. Floor ventilation significantly increases the transmission speed, leading to a more uniform and higher concentration distribution. Vertical laminar flow ventilation provides a direct and efficient transmission path, reducing the complexity of aerosol diffusion and accelerating aerosol deposition and indoor air renewal through high-speed airflow,maintaining lower aerosol concentrations. Vertical laminar flow ventilation can effectively reduce aerosol concentrations and lower the risk of disease transmission.
Keywords:indoor environment; ventilation method; aerosol; respiratory infectious diseases
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