ISSN 1008-5548

CN 37-1316/TU

2024年30卷  第4期


Preparation and properties of granite powder autoclaved aerated concrete

刘凤利1 ,罗 娜1 ,谢 煌2 ,王文慧1 ,王亚光1 ,水哲韬3

1. 河南大学 土木建筑学院,河南 开封475004;2. 中交二航局成都建设工程有限公司,四川 成都 610218;3. 悉尼大学 工程学院,新南威尔士州 悉尼2006


刘凤利,罗娜,谢煌,等. 花岗岩石粉蒸压加气混凝土的制备及性能[J].中国粉体技术,2024,30(4):15-25.

LIU F L, LUO N, XIE H, et al. Preparation and properties of granite powder autoclaved aerated concrete[J].China Powder Science and Technology,2024,30(4):15−25.




SYSJJ2020-01;固废资源化利用与节能建材国家重点实验室开放基金资助项目,编号: SWR-2020-007。

第一作者简介:刘凤利(1978—),女,副教授,博士,硕士生导师,研究方向为生态建筑材料。E‑mail:lfl@henu. edu. cn。

摘要:【目的】 实现以大掺量(质量分数,下同)低品位硅质固废制备蒸压加气混凝土(autoclaved aerated concrete,AAC)。【方法】 研究不同掺量花岗岩石粉对AAC料浆发气、抗压强度和干密度等的影响,确定优化掺量配比;通过X射线衍射(X-ray diffractometer,XRD)、傅里叶转换红外光谱(fourier transform infrared spectrometer,FTIR)、场发射扫描电镜(scan‑ning electron microscope,SEM)等表征手段对AAC微观性能进行分析。【结果】 花岗岩石粉掺量为60%时,AAC抗压强度为3. 02 MPa,干密度为523 ㎏/m³,性能较优;主要矿物成分为托贝莫来石、水化硅酸钙和残留的石英等;托贝莫来石、水化硅酸钙等水化产物与未反应的石英相互交织形成坚固的网状结构,使AAC致密并具有强度。【结论】 花岗岩石粉主要含低活性SiO2,属于低品位硅质固废,以花岗岩石粉60%替代黄河特细砂制备AAC,物理力学性能可满足GB11968—2020中混凝土砌块抗压强度A 3. 5、 B 05级的性能要求。



Objective The production of autoclaved aerated concrete requires large quantities of siliceous raw materials. Due to the gradual restriction of natural river sand and the escalating cost of fly ash, it is essential to find new siliceous raw materials. At the same time, there are huge reserves of solid wastes in our country, which damage the ecological environment and cause problems such as utilization difficulties. Therefore, the resource utilization of solid wastes has become a research hotspot. Granite powder is a byproduct generatedduring cutting ang grinding processes of granite stone. Given that quartz is the primary mineral constituent of granite powder, it theoretically holds potential as a substitute material for siliceous raw materials. The use of granite powder instead of natural sand to prepare autoclaved aerated concrete holds significant importance in developing AAC raw material sources, reducing production costs, and efficiently utilizing solid waste in bulk, thereby offering notable social and economic benefits. Moreover, investigating the mechanistic influence of granite powder on the properties of autoclaved aerated concrete holds considerable research value.

Methods Most of the literature primarily focuses on optimizing product properties and studying the influence of macroscopic properties, such as mechanical properties, with limited attention paid to microscopic mechanisms. In this paper, firstly, the effects of different dosages of granite stone powder on autoclaved aerated concrete slurry aerating, fluidity, compressive strength and dry density were investigated to determine the optimal dosage ratio. Secondly, for exploring the effect of granite stone powder on the physical and mechanical properties and microscopic properties of autoclaved aerated concrete, the products were characterized by X-ray diffraction, Scanning Electron Microscope and Fourier Transform Infrared. This paper not only studies the influence of granite powder content on the macroscopic properties of AAC, but also analyzes its microscopic properties through XRD, FTIR, SEM and other characterization methods. This approach reveals the microscopic mechanism underlying the influence of large granite powder content on AAC properties, with the research results offering insights into the resource utilization of significant granite powder content in AAC production and serving as a reference for future studies in this field.

Results and Discussion Slurry fluidity decreased with an increasing replacement rate of granite powder. However, there is no significant effect on the slurry gassing process. Calculations revealed that all slurries completed gassing approximately 50 minutes into the process. The amount of gassing in the slurries at five minutes and the total gassing volume decreased by only 3. 57% and 3. 04%, respectively. Besides, the compressive strength and specific strength of autoclaved aerated concrete exhibited a decreasing trend with the increase of granite powder, while the dry density showed minimal change. For replacement rates of granite powder at 60% or lower, the compressive strength and specific strength of the products decreased slowly. For replacement rates of granite powder exceeding 60%, the compressive strength and specific strength of the products decreased significantly. When the substitution rate of granite powder is 60%, the compressive strength of the product is 3. 02 MPa, and the dry density is 523 kg/m³, which meets the performance requirements of A 2. 5 and B 05. This finding provides a reference for the preparation of autoclaved aerated concrete with large dosage of low-grade siliceous solid waste. Under autoclave curing conditions, Ca(OH)2 formed by the hydration of calcareous materials reacts with SiO2 provided by siliceous raw materials to form tobermorite. The crystal clusters of the hydration products are interwoven with the unreacted mineral aggregate to form a good network dense structure, which has a positive effect on improving the strength of the product. The content of SiO2 in granite stone powder is lower than that of Yellow River superfine sand, with the increase of granite powder mixing, the tobermorite content in the products decreases after autoclave reaction decreases, the crystallinity of tobermorite also decreases, which is the main reason for the decrease of the compressive strength of the products.

Conclusion In this paper, AAC was prepared by granite powder instead of natural sand, and the influence mechanism of granite powder on AAC properties was discussed. With an increase in granite powder content, both the compressive strength and specific strength of the product decreased, while the dry density remained relatively stable. When the replacement rate was below 60%, the compressive strength and specific strength of the product decline slowly, whereas rates exceeding 60% resulted in a significant decrease in both parameters. The Results show that the optimal mixing amount of granite powder is 60%. Microscopic analysis revealed thatthe SiO2 content of granite stone powder is lower than that of Yellow River super fine sand. Furthermore, an increase in granite stone powder content led to a reduction in tobermorite content and crystallinity in the products after autoclave reaction, primarily responsible for the observed decrease in compressive strength. At this time, the performance of autoclaved aerated concrete can meet the national standards. This research not only broadens the way of stone processing waste re-resourcing, but also provides reference for the production of AAC by using granite stone powder in large admixture.

Keywords:granite stone powder; autoclaved aerated concrete; mechanical properties; microstructure


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