ISSN 1008-5548

CN 37-1316/TU

2024年30卷  第4期


Research and application of DEM in the mechanical analysis of lunar construction

周 诚,李浩然,夏一峰,周 燕

华中科技大学 国家数字建造技术创新中心,土木与水利工程学院,湖北 武汉430074


周诚,李浩然,夏一峰,等. 离散元法在月面建造力学分析中的研究及应用[J].中国粉体技术,2024,30(4):26-42.

ZHOU C, LI H R, XIA Y F, et al. Research and application of DEM in the mechanical analysis of lunar construction[J]. China Powder Science and Technology,2024,30(4):26−42.




第一作者简介:周诚(1982—),男,教授,博士,教育部青年长江学者,湖北省杰青,博士生导师,研究方向为月面建造。E-mail:charleschou@163. com。

摘要:【目的】 为了深入了解月面建造过程中月壤的力学特性,评估月基装备性能,优化月面建造作业,开展离散元法(discrete element method,DEM)在月壤接触力学领域的应用调查研究,旨在利用离散元法为未来月球基地建设提供理论指导和技术支持。【研究现状】基于地质勘探、资源采集及运输、建造作业等月面原位建造任务场景,分析月壤颗粒的建模与参数标定,介绍月基装备与月壤的接触作用研究现状,概述离散元法在钻-壤作用模拟、铲-壤作用模拟、轮-壤作用模拟及足-壤作用模拟中的应用,探讨基于离散元法的天然月基承载力分析。【展望】提出降低几何模型复杂度、优化粒间接触模型及参数是提高宏观尺度月壤离散元建模精度以应对大规模月面建造场景的有效方法。认为利用离散元法进行铲挖式月壤采集装置及足式月球车设计在未来可以为月面建造提供了可靠的技术支持。面向月面建造,离散元法将在水冰资源利用、建筑物月面承载力分析等方面提供科学依据。



Significance In pursuit of a profound comprehension of the intricate mechanical characteristics exhibited by lunar regolith throughout lunar construction endeavors,and to meticulously scrutinize the efficacy of lunar surface equipment and refine the operational efficiency of lunar construction activities, this investigation delves into the application of the discrete element method (DEM) within the realm of lunar regolith contact mechanics. By harnessing the power of DEM, the primary objective is to provide not only theoretical insights but also practical and technical assistance for the meticulous planning and execution of future lunar base construction initiatives. Through the judicious application of DEM, it is envisaged that a robust framework can be established to guide and facilitate the successful realization of lunar base construction projects, thereby advancing humanity's exploration and utilization of extraterrestrial resources. It is crucial to acknowledge the immense challenges posed by lunar construction activities, where the understanding of lunar regolith behavior is paramount. By unraveling the complex interplay between lunar surface equipment and the dynamic lunar regolith, this investigation seeks to shed light on novel methodologies for optimizing construction operations on the lunar surface. The application of DEM offers a unique opportunity to simulate and analyze the intricate interactions between lunar regolith particles and construction equipment, providing valuable insights into the design and deployment of future lunar infrastructure.

Progress This research draws from a range of on-site lunar construction missions, including geological exploration, resource extraction and transport, and construction work, to analyze the application of the discrete element method (DEM) to the mechanics of lunar surface construction. Initially, the study critically examines the complex dynamics behind lunar weathering layer modelling and parameter calibration, elucidates methods for weathering layer modelling, and analyzes various particle contact models for different application scenarios, while summarizing effective methods for lunar weathering layer parameter calibration.In addition, this study delves into existing research to elucidate the complex interactions between lunar surface equipment and the lunar weathering layer. In the context of lunar soil collection, the study analyzes interactions such as drilling and shoveling,and investigates the effects of drilling and shoveling equipment structure and operating parameters on lunar soil collection performance from a DEM microscopic perspective. It also explores wheel rock and foot rock interactions to enhance lunar rover maneuverability and lander stability to ensure effective execution of lunar surface construction operations. Through careful exploration of these simulations, the study elucidates the underlying mechanics and dynamics that control these interactions, thereby enhancing the understanding and optimization of lunar construction methods. In addition, the study comprehensively analyzes the inherent carrying capacity of the lunar base, using the analytical power of the DEM to reveal the stability of the lunar habitat.This multifaceted exploration aims to provide valuable academic insights and practical guidance for the seamless advancement of lunar exploration efforts and the sustainable establishment of lunar infrastructure.

Conclusions and Prospects It is proposed that DEM can account for the microstructure and deformation of particulate materials such as water ice, including factors such as the shape, size, and arrangement of the particles. This enables DEM to more accurately simulate the deformation, damage and other behaviors of water ice under external forces. DEM cannot only simulate the mechanical behavior of granular materials, but also simulate the interaction between particles and fluids in multiphase fluid systems by combining with fluid dynamics methods. For particulate materials such as water ice, DEM can simulate interactions with liquid or gaseous media, such as the processes of particle deposition, suspension, and flow, etc. It can also be used to study the heat conduction behavior in the particulate system and the structural stability during the heating process, which is conducive to the optimization of the strategies and methods for water ice acquisition to support the lunar surface construction mission. In addition,when facing more complex unstructured terrain construction tasks, the terrain adaptability and obstacle-climbing ability of the foot-mounted lunar rover are more prominent. However, due to the complex mechanical control of the foot-mounted lunar rover, coupling simulation between DEM and dynamics is difficult, and the construction cost of unstructured terrain DEM models on the lunar surface is high. Therefore, improving the coupling performance of DEM and dynamics and enhancing the accuracy of macro-scale lunar soil DEM modeling are the challenges that foot-mounted lunar rover DEM simulations need to overcome in the future. Furthermore, current DEM study of the bearing capacity of lunar foundations, which focuses on simulating the mechanical behavior of lunar soil, can serve as a basis for assessing the support capacity of lunar soil for buildings. In the future, the feasibility of construction under different terrain conditions can also be considered, which will help to formulate more refined building plans, select the most suitable areas and locations for construction, and guide the design and construction process of buildings and ensure their stability and safety.

Keywords:lunar construction; discrete element method; lunar soil collection; lunar-based equipment; bearing capacity


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