唐彬彬1, 冯思雨1, 段君元2, 金培鹏1
1. 青海大学 机械工程学院, 青海省新型轻合金重点实验室, 青海 西宁 810016;2. 武汉工程大学 材料科学与工程学院, 湖北省等离子体化学与新材料重点实验室, 武汉 湖北 430025
唐彬彬, 冯思雨, 段君元, 等. 颗粒增强铝基复合材料的制备与界面行为[J]. 中国粉体技术, 2024, 30(4): 1-14.
TANG B B, FENG S Y,DUAN J Y, et al. Preparation and interfacial behavior of particle-reinforced aluminum matrix compos⁃ ites[J]. China Powder Science and Technology, 2024, 30(4): 1−14.
收稿日期: 2024-03-24, 修回日期: 2024-05-16, 上线日期: 2024-06-27。
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目,编号:51661028;青海省科技厅基础研究计划项目,编号:2024-ZJ-765。
第一作者简介: 唐彬彬(1986—),男,博士,硕士生导师,研究方向为轻合金及其复合材料。E-mail:tangbb@hotmail. com。
通信作者简介: 段君元(1983—), 男, 博士, 硕士生导师, 研究方向为光电材料可控制备、 器件构筑与光电能源转化与存储。E-mail:junyduan@wit. edu. cn。
摘要:【目的】 探讨颗粒增强铝基复合材料(particle-reinforced aluminum matrix composites, PAMCs)性能提升、 应用前景 等。【研究现状】概述 PAMCs复合材料的主要制备方法,主要包括搅拌铸造法、 原位合成法、 粉末冶金法、 喷射成形法、 挤压铸造法、 直接氧化法、 高温水热合成法等; 从结合方式、 结合强度、 界面表征等方面对PAMCs界面进行介绍; 从强 化机制和增强体因素等方面对界面力学性能进行概括。【结论与展望】复合材料的制备方法对增强体在基体中的分布、 界面结合和性能产生显著影响,选择制备方法时应综合考虑所需的材料性能、 生产成本及工艺可行性; 界面结合对PAMCs的整体性能至关重要,良好的界面结合能提高材料的强度和韧性;强化机制决定材料的特性,通过成分设计、 微 观结构调控以及制备工艺优化等手段,实现多种强化机制的协同作用,可最大限度地提升材料的性能。未来的研究应致 力于开发低成本、绿色环保等新型高效的制备技术,优化PAMCs的微观结构和性能; 通过设计界面结构并调控界面反应 等,可以进一步提升PAMCs的性能; 控制界面反应也是PAMCs关键发展方向之一。
关键词: 铝基复合材料; 制备工艺; 颗粒增强; 界面行为
Significance Particle-reinforced aluminum matrix composites (PAMCs) have the advantages of low density and high specific strength. In the field of engineering and technology, PAMCs have attracted significant attention due to their superior mechanical properties and dimensional stability. However, challenges with particle dispersion and interfacial bonding limit further improvement in their properties. To solve these problems in the process of PAMC preparation and bonding, it is necessary to seek more suitable composite preparation processes and interfacial bonding methods. Therefore, this paper focuses on the preparation methods and interfacial bonding of PAMCs.
Progress At present, the research on PAMCs mainly includes preparation technologies and interfacial bonding. Different preparation methods exhibit different characteristics and applicability, but no single preparation method has been widely recognized among researchers. The preparation methods and processes of PAMCs are still being explored. The selection of suitable preparation methods and processes must consider the characteristics, requirements, and actual conditions of the matrix and reinforcement materials. Interfacial bonding is an important theoretical basis for developing new materials, devices, and technologies. Studies have shown that the strengthening mechanism of PAMCs largely depends on the interfacial bonding strength between the matrix and the reinforcement. For PAMCs, there are still many problems related to interface structure that need to be solved. The paper offered an overview of the main methods used to fabricate PAMCs, including powder metallurgy, stir casting, in-situ synthesis, spray deposition, extrusion casting, direct oxidation, high-temperature hydrothermal synthesis. It also highlighted the distinctive features and potential applications of these methods. Interfaces of PAMCs were introduced from the aspects of binding modes, binding strength, and interface characterization. It further explored the vital role of interfacial bonding strength in composite performance and explained the three primary interfacial mechanisms: mechanical, physical, and chemical bonding. Additionally, recent research progress in PAMCs was summarized, with a focus on mechanical strength, corrosion resistance, and dimensional stability.
Conclusions and Prospects The preparation methods of composite materials have a significant impact on the distribution of reinforcements in the matrix, interfacial bonding, and material performance. The choice of preparation methods should comprehensively consider the required material properties, production costs, and technological feasibility. Interfacial bonding is crucial to the overall performance of PAMCs, and good interfacial bonding can improve the strength and toughness of the material. Over the past few decades, significant progress has been made in composite material preparation technologies, mainly including powder metallurgy, stir casting, spray deposition, and in-situ synthesis. Among these, spray deposition technology produces com⁃ posites with unique advantages, such as uniform particle distribution and fine grains, and shows great potential for future applications and development. However, to prepare PAMCs with good comprehensive properties and stability, improving the preparation process to achieve high efficiency, low cost, stability, and reliability, as well as enhancing the compatibility between the matrix material and the reinforcement phase and the dispersion of the phase, remains key to solving the preparation challenges. Some breakthroughs have also been made in the study of interfacial bonding. The degree of interfacial reaction hinders the further development of the comprehensive mechanical properties of PAMCs. Controlling the interfacial reaction is one of the main directions for future research. Furthermore, the significant mismatch between the plasticity and strength of PAMCs poses a major challenge to their development. Further progress in PAMCs lies in the meticulous regulation of interfaces and optimization of preparation techniques to fabricate materials with both high strength and satisfactory plasticity.Keywords: aluminum matrix composites; preparation process; particle-reinforced; interfacial behavior
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