ISSN 1008-5548

CN 37-1316/TU

2024年30卷  第3期

钙钛矿型La0. 5Sr0. 5CoO3催化剂的制备及其NOx储存性能

Preparation of La0. 5Sr0. 5CoO3 perovskite catalyst and its performance for NOx storages

   刘剑勋1,王旭东2,姜若兰1,赵心怡1,干良然1,刘 伟1,亓海强1,王仲鹏1

(1. 济南大学 水利与环境学院,山东 济南 250022;2. 山东省枣庄生态环境监测中心,山东 枣庄 277800)


刘剑勋,王旭东,姜若兰,等. 钙钛矿型La0.5Sr0.5CoO3催化剂的制备及其NOx储存性能[J]. 中国粉体技术,2024,30(3):124-138.

LIU J X, WANG XD, JIANG R L, et al. Preparation of La0.5Sr0.5CoO3 perovskite catalyst andits performance for NOx storages[J]. China Powder Science and Technology,2024,30(3):124−138.




第一作者简介:刘剑勋(1999—),男,硕士生,研究方向为环境功能材料开发与应用。E-mail:ljxxx1111@163. com。

通信作者简介:王仲鹏(1978—),男,教授,博士,科技部国家火炬计划专家,山东省优秀中青年科学家,山东省科技人才,博士生导师,研究方向为大气污染控制与催化技术。E-mail:chm_wangzp@ujn. edu. cn。

摘要:【目的】 提高 NOx催化剂在中低温条件下的 NOx储存还原能力,实现高效 NOx储存还原。【方法】 采用甘氨酸辅助溶液燃烧法制备钙钛矿型La0.5Sr0.5CoO3(LSC)催化剂,通过多种表征手段对催化剂的理化性质进行表征,研究甘氨酸与硝酸根物质的量比、煅烧温度等制备条件对催化剂理化性质、 NOx储存性能以及催化剂的抗硫性和水热稳定性的影响。【结果】 所制备的 LSC 催化剂在 300 ℃条件下的 NOx吸附、储存性能显著提高。当物质的量比为 1. 6、煅烧温度为700 ℃时,制得的LSC催化剂具有良好的NOx吸附能力(A=1 889 µmol·g-1)和NOx储存能力(S=1048µmol·g-1 );并且该催化剂经硫化及水热老化后仍保持良好的NOx吸附、储存能力(A=1 434 µmol·g-1,S=1 262 µmol·g-1 )。【结论】该催化剂具有较大的比表面积、较强的NO氧化能力以及存在适量的表面SrCO3物相,使其具有良好的NOx储存性能。



Objective To enhance the NOx storage and reduction capacity of NOx catalysts under medium and low temperature conditions and achieve efficient NOx storage and reduction performance, the development of an efficient and cost-effective catalyst for medium and low temperature NOx storage and reduction is crucial.

Methods In this study, the perovskite La0.5Sr0.5CoO3(LSC) catalyst was synthesized utilizing the glycine-assisted solution combustion method. The physicochemical properties of the catalyst were comprehensively characterized through various analytical techniques. The impact of preparation parameters, including the molar ratio of glycine to nitrate and calcination temperature, on the NOx storage performance of the catalyst was systematically investigated. Furthermore, the sulfur resistance, hydrothermal stability, and NOx storage mechanism of the LSC catalyst during NOx storage were thoroughly examined.

Results and Discussion Based on the aforementioned characterization and experimental findings, the NOx desorption curve depicted in Fig. 9 illustrated that altering the amount of glycine led to a shift in the temperature of the catalyst desorption peak towards higher values, consequently enhancing the stability of nitrate species. Specifically, at a glycine-to-nitrate ratio (φ) of 1.6, the catalyst exhibited the lowest desorption peak temperature, indicative of less stable nitrate species prone to releasing NOx species. The order of NOx adsorption capacity (A) and NOx storage capacity (S) of the catalyst was as follows: LSC-1.6 > LSC-2.4 > LSC-0.8. Upon reaching equilibrium adsorption of NOx,the concentrations of NO and NO2 in the atmosphere remained stable. The relative NO2 reduction (RNO2) of the catalyst followed the sequence:φ=1.6(65%)>φ=2.4(51%)>φ=0.8(49%). Notably, the LSC catalyst synthesized with φ=1. 6 exhibited the highest S,A,and RNO2, attributed to its large specific surface area, robust NO oxidation capacity, and the presence of appropriate SrCO3 species. Furthermore, the NOx desorption curve in Fig. 10 revealed a shift of the catalyst desorption peak towards lower temperatures with increasing calcination temperature, indicating decreased stability of nitrate species at higher calcination temperatures. Specifically, the catalyst prepared at a calcination temperature of 700℃ exhibited reduced SrCO3 content but possessed a larger specific surface area, pore volume,strong NO oxidation capacity, and effective reduction performance, thereby demonstrating good activity. The RNO2 values were observed in the following order:700 ℃(63%),800 ℃(44%), and 600 ℃(41%). The NOx storage phase in the LSC catalyst comprised perovskite and SrCO3, with an appropriate amount of SrCO3 species favoring NOx adsorption and storage. However,an excessive presence of SrCoOx could inhibit the active Sr-Co sites, thereby diminishing the NOx storage capacity of the catalyst.Hydrothermal aging resulted in an increased SrCoOx phase and a decreased SrCO3 phase on the catalyst surface, consequently reducing its NOx storage performance. Nonetheless, it's noteworthy that nitrate species formed on the surface of SrCO3 exhibited high thermal stability, thereby maintaining excellent NOx storage performance even after hydrothermal aging.

Conclusion 1) Under different φ values and calcination temperatures, the prepared LSC catalysts primarily exhibited perovskite crystalline phases, accompanied by a minor presence of SrCO3 and SrCoOx crystalline phases. Notably, when φ was set to 1.6 and the calcination temperature was 700 ℃, the prepared LSC catalyst demonstrated the highest capacity for NOxadsorption and storage. The catalysts displayed a loose and porous structure with a spongy morphology. 2) The NOx storage phase in the LSC catalyst primarily comprised perovskite and SrCO3. The capacity for NOx storage was significantly influenced by the presence of SrCO3 species within the perovskite structure. An optimal quantity of SrCO3 species was favorable for NOx adsorption and storage. However, excessive content of SrCoOx could result in the coverage of Sr-Co active sites, thereby impeding contact between the active site and the reaction gas, ultimately leading to a reduction in the NOx storage capacity of the catalyst. 3)After vulcanization, all LSC catalysts exhibited a pure perovskite structure, with no presence of sulfur-containing species. Following hydrothermal aging, the LSC catalyst primarily comprised the perovskite crystal phase, accompanied by a small amount of SrCO3 and SrCoOxheterophase. The hydrothermal aging process promoted the growth of the perovskite structure and SrCoOxphase, while inhibiting the growth of the SrCO3 phase. The NOx sorption and desorption reaction demonstrated that varying degrees of decline in the NOx adsorption capacity (A) and relative NO2 reduction (RNO2) of the catalysts post vulcanization and hydrothermal aging. Nevertheless, the LSC catalyst still exhibited strong resistance to both vulcanization and hydrothermal aging, retaining a high NOxstorage capacity after both vulcanization and hydrothermal aging, with A values of 1 434 and 1 262 µmol·g-1, respectively.

Keywords:solution combustion method; perovskite; NOx storage; glycine


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