ISSN 1008-5548

CN 37-1316/TU

2024年30卷  第3期


Research progress on preparation technology of spherical powder

彭 琳1,谭 琦2,3,刘 磊2,3,钱晨光1,李春全1,孙志明1,袁 方1

(1. 中国矿业大学(北京) 化学与环境工程学院,北京 100083;2. 中国地质科学院 郑州矿产综合利用研究所,河南 郑州 450006;3. 国家非金属矿产资源综合利用工程技术研究中心,河南 郑州 450006)


彭琳,谭琦,刘磊,等. 球形粉体制备技术研究进展[J]. 中国粉体技术,2024,30(3):12-27. 

PENG L, TAN Q, LIU L, et al.Research progress on preparation technology of spherical powder[J]. China Powder Science and Technology,2024,30(3):12−27.



基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目,编号:52304310;中国地质调查局地质调查项目,编号 :DD20221698。

第一作者简介:彭琳(1999—),女,硕士生,研究方向为非金属矿物材料。E-mail:penglin202210@163. com。 

通信作者简介:袁方(1994—),男,讲师,博士,研究方向为非金属矿物材料、资源深加工与综合利用。E-mail:fangyuan@cumtb. edu. cn; 孙志明(1986—),男,教授,博士,中科协托举工程人才,研究方向为非金属矿物材料、资源深加工与综合利用。E-mail: zhimingsun@cumtb. edu. cn.

摘要:【目的】 球形粉体由于具有更好的流动性和均匀性被广泛应用于增强材料、涂料、陶瓷、3D打印等领域。为了满 足不同行业对粉体材料的表面特性和物理性能要求,提升产品性能,降低工艺损失,促进绿色制造,对球形粉体制备技术 的研究现状进行总结和思考,为推动粉体工业的创新与发展提供参考。【研究现状】综述球形粉体常见制备技术,包括传 统物理法(机械整形法和喷雾干燥法)、化学法(气相化学反应法、沉淀法、水热合成法、溶胶凝胶法及微乳液法)和高温 熔融法(等离子体球化法、雾化法和气体燃烧火焰成球法),总结上述方法的优势及目前的局限性,重点阐述不同球形粉 体材料制备技术的基本原理与应用领域的研究进展。【展望】对球形粉体制备技术的发展趋势进行分析与展望,认为高温 熔融法是最具实现大规模工业化生产潜力的球形粉体制备技术,提出高纯超细、窄分布、粒径可控、高球化率、高效率 工业智能化绿色生产是我国未来球形粉体制备技术的发展趋势。



Significance Powder serves as significant industrial raw materials, with increasingly high performance requirements driven by its diverse applications. In addition to requiring very low impurity content and fine particle size with strict particle size distribution, powders also need to have a certain particle morphology. Spherical powder offers distinct advantages over conventional powders, mainly evident in the following aspects: 1) Surface Morphology and Defects: Spherical powder exhibits uniform surface morphology and fewer defects, reducing the loss of mold in the production process to the finished product ; 2) Particle Size Distribution: Spherical powders have a narrower and more uniform particle size distribution compared to irregular powders, enhancing product consistency and performance; 3) Improved Mobility: The spherical shape of the powder promotes better flowability, increasing powder filling capacity, particularly beneficial in powder metallurgy applications, enhancing part density; 4) Uniform Shrinkage During Sintering: Spherical powder shrinks more uniformly during sintering, facilitating grain size regulation. Given its excellent performance in surface morphology, particle size distribution and flow properties, spherical powders find extensive use across various industries. This paper presents a summary of the current status of spherical powder preparation technology based on the research progress of common spherical powder preparation technology. The different preparation principles are categorized into three types: traditional physical method, chemical method, and high temperature melting method. It analyses the development of existing technology and provides a reference for future development of new technologies and theoretical research on spherical powder preparation.

Progress The traditional physical method for preparing spherical powder, while utilizing widely available and inexpensive raw materials, presents challenges for industrialization due to high equipment requirements. Furthermore, ensuring consistent particle characteristics post-production remains problematic, rendering it suitable only for applications with lower product quality requirements. In contrast, chemical methods offer advantages in achieving uniform particle size and high purity levels, albeit with significant demand for chemical reagents such as surfactants and precipitants. Challenges arise in effectively removing organic impurities, leading to agglomeration issues and hindering industrial scalability. The high-temperature melting method, widely employed for high melting point powders like quartz and various metal powders, yields spherical powders with high sphericity, low impurity content, and narrow particle size distributions. This method's adaptability to varying melting points allows for environmentally friendly production processes with minimal environmental impact. The resultant product particles exhibit enhanced vibration density, sphericity, and mobility, making them suitable for high-end applications. Consequently, the hightemperature melting method holds significant promise for large-scale industrial production of high-performance spherical powder materials.

Conclusions and Prospects As an integral component of modern industry and technology, powder spheroidizing technology plays a crucial role in enhancing the surface and physical properties of powders. This, in turn, improves the precision and efficiency of manufacturing processes, optimizes material properties, meets multifunctionality requirements, reduces energy consumption, and fosters green manufacturing practices. Currently, powder spheroidizing technology has permeated various sectors including pharmaceuticals, food processing, chemicals, environmental protection, materials science, metallurgy, and 3D printing.

Keywords:spherical powder; spheroidization; high-temperature melting; plasma


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