张 鹏, 麻豪洲, 李 博, 董英伟, 王学文
(太原理工大学 机械与运载工程学院, 煤矿综采装备山西省重点实验室, 山西 太原 030024)
张鹏, 麻豪洲, 李博, 等. 不同地形条件下刮板输送机输运效率及链环疲劳寿命[J]. 中国粉体技术, 2024, 30(2): 45-59.
ZHANG P, MA H Z, LI B, et al.Transportation efficiency and chain ring fatigue life of scraper conveyor under different terrain conditions[J].China Powder Science and Technology,2024,30(2):45-59.
DOI:10.13732 / j.issn.1008-5548.2024.02.006
收稿日期: 2023-10-25,修回日期:2023-11-30,上线日期:2024-01-18。
第一作者简介:张鹏(1998—),男,硕士研究生,研究方向为现代设计理论与方法。 E-mail: 1714166989@qq.com。
通信作者简介:王学文(1979—),男,教授,博士,山西省高等学校优秀青年学术带头人,山西省高等学校“131”领军人才-优秀中青年拔尖创新人才,博士生导师,研究方向为机械设计及理论。 E-mail: wxuew@163.com。
摘要: 【目的】为了推进刮板输送机向智能化方向发展, 解决研究人员难以在环境恶劣的井下进行刮板输送机相关试验、 实验室受客观条件限制无法复现相关工作条件等问题。 【方法】采用仿真试验的方法模拟井下复杂的工作条件。通过刮板输送机 1∶ 3 试验平台, 从试验与理论的角度验证刮板输送机仿真模型的可靠性; 仿真设定不同工作倾角与走向倾角, 分析不同地形条件对刮板输送机输运效率及链条张力的影响; 利用有限元仿真, 探究链环的疲劳寿命变化趋势。 【结果】刮板输送机的工作倾角为 14° ~ -21 时, 输运效率逐渐增加至饱和, 工作倾角为-21°时质量流量为436. 6 kg / s; 走向倾角为-10° ~ 5°时, 输运效率逐渐增加至饱和,走向倾角为 5°时质量流量为 360. 7 kg / s。 不同工作倾角下, 刮板输送机 2 条链条张力呈上山增大、 下山减小的变化趋势;当走向倾角为-10° ~ 10°时, 链 2 的张力先增大后减小, 而链 1 的张力则不断增大。 正常工况下链环的疲劳寿命为 32. 64 d, 工作倾角为 14° ~ -21°时, 链环的疲劳寿命呈现指数型上升趋势; 走向倾角为-10° ~ 10°时, 链 1 中链环的疲劳寿命呈现指数型下降趋势, 链 2 中链环的疲劳寿命为先下降后上升的变化趋势。 【结论】利用仿真试验能够有效解决刮板输送机相关试验难以开展的问题; 利用验证后的刮板输送机仿真模型, 可以准确模拟刮板输送机在井下的工作情况, 定量分析不同工况下煤料与刮板输送机之间的相互作用。
关键词: 刮板输送机; 输运效率; 链条张力; 疲劳寿命
Objective Considering that the working environment of the scraper conveyor is relatively harsh, it is difficult for researchers to carry out tests related to the underground scraper conveyor, and the laboratory is unable to reproduce the relevant working conditions due to objective limitations. Compared with real tests, simulation tests have the advantages of low cost, high safety, and controllable test conditions. However, the main difficulty of simulation tests is to verify the accuracy of the simulation model, which directly affects the reliability of the simulation results. Based on the 1∶ 3 test platform of the scraper conveyor, the real test results and simulation results can be verified and analyzed. This research methods and results would be helpful for the development of scraper conveyors in the direction of intelligence.
Methods The reliability of the scraper conveyor simulation model was verified from the experimental and theoretical perspectives by using a 1∶ 3 scraper conveyor test platform under the same working conditions. Therefore, the method of simulation test was used to simulate the complex underground working conditions. Moreover, different working inclination angles and striking inclination angles were set in the simulation to analyze the influence of different terrain conditions on the transportation efficiency and chain tension of the scraper conveyor. Finally, the fatigue life change trend of the chain ring was studied by using finite element simulation.
Results and Discussion The results show that the accuracy of the parameters such as scraper chain speed, sprocket torque and scraper conveyor running resistance are above 80% after the experimental and theoretical verification. It is proved that the coupled model simulation for the process of transporting coal bulk material using a scraper conveyor and similar theory have certain reliability. In this paper, the impact of varying working inclination angles ranging from 14° to -21°on the transport efficiency of a scraper conveyor is investigated. When the working inclination angle changes from 14° to - 21°, the transport efficiency of scraper conveyor gradually increases until reaching saturation, with a peak efficiency of 436. 6 kg / s observed at the working inclination angle of -21°. Similarly, when the strike inclination angle changes from -10° to 5°, the transport efficiency follows a similar trend and achieves a maximum efficiency of 360. 7 kg / s at the strike inclination angle of 5°. In this paper, the chain tension of scraper conveyor shows the trend of increasing uphill and decreasing downhill under different working inclination angles. When the strike inclination angle changes from -10° to 10°, the chain 2 tension initially increases and then decreases, while the chain 1 tension keeps increasing. Under normal working condition, the fatigue life of the chain ring is determined to be 32. 64 days.Furthermore, as the working inclination angle varies from 14° to -21°, the fatigue life of the chain ring shows an exponential upward trend. Similarly, when adjusting the strike inclination angle from -10° to 10°, the fatigue life of the chain ring in Chain 1 experiences an exponential decline, while the fatigue life of the chain ring in Chain 2 undergoes a downward and subsequently upward trend.
Conclusion In this paper, the simulation test can effectively solve the problem that it is difficult to carry out the test related to the scraper conveyor. Using the verified simulation model of scraper conveyor, it can accurately simulate the complex underground working conditions of the scraper conveyor, and quantitatively analyze the interaction between coal materials and scraper conveyor under different working conditions. This can provide certain reference for the development of scraper conveyor in the direction of intelligence.
Keywords: scraper conveyor; transportation efficiency; chain tension; fatigue life
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