洪若瑜, 马骏杰, 张 星, 何传峰, 马强强, 张 涛
福州大学 化工学院, 福建 福州 350108
HONG Ruoyu,MA Junjie,ZHANG Xing.Progress in preparation and applications of titanium nitride powder[J].China Powder Science and Technology,2025,31(3):1−15.
收稿日期:2024-08-31,修回日期:2024-11-15,上线日期: 2025-03-05。
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目,编号: 22278080;中央引导地方科技发展专项,编号: 2017L3014;福建省闽江学者奖励计划项目,编号:闽入社批复[2016]149号;福建省战略性新兴产业研发基金项目,编号:82918001。
关键词: 氮化钛; 纳米粉体;制备方法; 耐磨材料; 电极; 红外吸收
Significance Titanium nitride(TiN)powder has the advantages of high hardness,excellent wear resistance,high thermal and chemical stability,and good electrical conductivity.These attributes enable a wide range of applications.For example,it can be used in wear-resistant coatings for metal or ceramic materials,improving their lifespan.Its good conductivity and chemical stability make it suitable for supercapacitors and battery electrodes.Its ability to absorb visible and near-infrared lightallows its use as the photothermal conversion material and infrared absorber.Its dielectric properties enable its applications in microwave electromagnetic wave absorption,and its chemical stability and low work functionmake it an effective coating material for sensors.Moreover,its plasmonic properties,which can replace precious metals,make it apromising electrocatalyst for hydrogen evolution reactions.This paper reviews the research progress on TiN to address its potentialin various fields.
Progress The physicochemical properties and preparation methods of TiN,including solid-phase(direct nitriding,carbothermal reduction,ammonia reduction),liquid phase(sol-gel)and gas-phase(chemical vapor deposition,plasma)are reviewed.Direct nitriding is easy to operate and offers high-quality and pure products with high energy efficiency,but requires costly raw materials,limiting its large-scale production.Compared todirect nitriding,carbothermal reduction method reducesnitriding temperatures but generates pollution and produceslower-purity products.Chemical vapor deposition produces compact,high-purity products but experienceshigh reaction temperatures,low production efficiency,and limited applications.Plasma methods can achieve lower reaction temperatures,high purity,and fine particlesizes,but still facechallenges such as high-voltage discharge requirements and technologicalimmaturity.The sol-gel method could produce materials with exceptional purity,fine particle sizes,high hardness,and thermal conductivity.However,the process is time-consuming,costly,and requires precise parametercontrol,with toxic organic solventsposing additional risks.
Conclusion and prospects The development of TiN preparation methods has progressed toward milder reaction conditions,higher product quality,and improved yields.However,challenges in scaling up production and realizing controllable conditions still persist.Therefore,research should focus more on developing simple,scalable,and cost-effective preparation methods to facilitate large-scale production of nanoscale TiN.TiN materials,with their high melting point,hardness,thermal and chemical stability,electrical conductivity,and superconductivity,are already widely used in coatings and biomedical materials. They also have broad application prospects in electrodes, photothermal conversion, infrared absorption, electromagnetic wave absorption,sensors,and electrocatalysts. Although great progress has been made,limitations remain in scalability and application-specific performance. Future efforts should focus on improving the synthesis mechanisms and morphology control of TiN,understanding the physical and chemical properties of pure and composite TiN nanomaterials,and enhancing the electrical and magnetic properties of the material through doping.TiN’s properties offer significant potential for the development of composite materials,and it can also be used as a carrier to extend the lifespan and enhance the performance of raw materials.
Keywords:titanium nitride;nano-powder;preparation method;wear-resistant material;electrode;infrared absorption
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