ISSN 1008-5548

CN 37-1316/TU



Influence of density reducer particle characteristics on bonding properties of low-density cement stone-casing interface


1.中海油研究总院有限责任公司,北京 100028;2.长江大学 石油工程学院,湖北 武汉 430100



WU Zhiqiang,ZHANG Xingquan,XIN Fubin,et al.Influence of density reducer particle characteristics on bonding properties of low-density cement stone-casing interface[J].China Powder Science and Technology,2025,31(3):1−10.




第一作者简介:武治强(1985—),高级工程师,博士,研究方向海上钻完井技术。E-mail:wuzhq2@cnooc. com. cn。

通信作者简介:黄志强(1964—),教授,硕士,研究方向油气井工程与材料。E-mail:huangzq1356@163. com。

摘要:【目的】明晰不同减轻剂颗粒特征对海洋深水弱胶结地层低密度固井水泥石-套管固井界面胶结性能的影响。【方法】分析在水泥浆密度分别为1.50、1.70 g/cm3 条件下,硅灰、粉煤灰及空心玻璃微珠3种常用减轻剂对低密度固井水泥石力学强度、体积收缩率以及水泥石-套管界面胶结强度的影响规律,采用X射线衍射、扫描电镜、压汞仪等分析减轻剂颗粒特征对水泥浆性能与界面胶结性能的影响机制。【结果】相同密度条件下,相较于硅灰和粉煤灰,采用空心玻璃微珠配制低密度水泥浆所需的水灰比更低,使得空心玻璃微珠减重水泥石的力学性能、抗体积收缩能力以及界面胶结强度更为优异,粉煤灰减重水泥石的界面胶结强度最低。【结论】采用空心玻璃微珠作为减轻剂能够优化水泥石孔隙结构,抑制化学体积收缩,同时与水化产物紧密胶结,使其与套管粘接牢固,更有利于保障海洋深水弱胶结地层的固井界面胶结质量。

关键词: 弱胶结地层; 低密度固井水泥浆; 减轻剂; 抗压强度; 界面胶结性能


Objective To reduce the liquid column pressure in cement slurry and prevent formation rupture and loss,low-density cement slurry      incorporating micro silicon,fly ash,and hollow glass microspheres is widely used in shallow deep-water cementing operations in the     South China Sea.Ensuring the quality of cementing and sealing under low temperatures and low-density conditions is a key technical issue in developing deep-water oil and gas resources in this region. However,there is a lack of in-depth research on the relationship between the particle characteristics of the density reducers and the cement stone-casing interface.

Methods The study tested micro silicon low-density cement slurry with densities of 1.70 and 1.50 g/cm3 ,fly ash low-density cement    slurry, hollow glass microspheres low-density cement slurry,and composite low-density cement slurry combining hollow glass microspheres with micro silicon and hollow glass microspheres with fly ash, both with densities of 1.50 g/cm3 . The compressive strength,volume     shrinkage rate,and cement stone-casing interface bonding strength were tested under the curing conditions of 15 ℃. The effects of different density reducers on the phase composition of the cement were analyzed using X-ray diffraction(XRD).The microstructure and        hydration product characteristics of the cement stone with different density reducers were observed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The porosity and pore size distribution of the cement stone were measured using mercury intrusion porosimetry(MIP).

Results and Discussion Cement stone using hollow glass microspheres as a density reducer exhibited the highest compressive and       interfacial bonding strengths.Both micro silicon cement and micro silicon-hollow glass microspheres cement demonstrated higher          compressive and interfacial bonding strengths compared to fly ash cement.After 7 days of curing,the compressive strength of the 1.70   g/cm3 hollow glass microspheres cement stone was 18.54 MPa,with an interfacial bonding strength 61.5% higher than that of the fly ash  cement stone. The compressive strength of 1. 50g /cm 3 hollow glass microspheres cement stone was 14.56 MPa,with an interfacial bonding strength 112.5% higher than that of fly ash cement stone.Volume shrinkage rate tests showed that the linear volume shrinkage rate of hollow glass microspheres cement stone was lower than that of the micro silicon and fly ash cement stones. At a density of 1.50 g/cm3 ,the linear volume shrinkage rates of the three types of low-density cement stones over 7 d were -0.05%,-0.1%,and -0.08%,respectively.XRD   analysis showed that the CH diffraction peak intensity of micro silicon cement stone was lower than that of other cement stones with the same density,indicating that micro silicon could further participate in secondary hydration reactions while adjusting to the cement      slurry density, consuming part of the CH and generating C-S-H gel,which enhanced interface bonding. SEM analysis showed that the microstructure of the low-density cement stone with hollow glass microspheres was the densest, with the microspheres closely cemented  with the hydration products,while the microstructure of the fly ash low-density cement was the loosest.Micro silicon could optimize the pore structure through pozzolanic and filling effects. At densities of 1.70 g/cm3 and 1.50 g/cm3 ,pores smaller than 20 nm accounted for

55.6% and 49.6% of the total,which were higher than 52.1% and 48.3% observed in fly ash cement stones.

Conclusion Hollow glass microspheres with low density demonstrate excellent weight reduction capacities,enabling a significant        decrease in the water-cement mass ratio of the cement slurry,reducing free water content in pores, optimizing the pore structure of the cement stone,and inhibiting shrinkage. This improves both the compressive and interfacial bonding strengths of the cement stone. Micro  silicon optimizes the pore structure through pozzolanic effect and filling effects,thereby improving the interfacial bonding strength   of low-density cement. Conversely,the weaker pozzolanic activity and filling effect of fly ash lead to the lowest interfacial bonding  strength for low-density fly ash cement.

Keywords:weakly consolidated formation; low-density cement slurry;density reducer;compressive strength;interface bonding properties


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