ISSN 1008-5548

CN 37-1316/TU



Effects of nano-SiO2 on properties of basalt fiber-reinforced coal gangue-mineral powder-based polymer mortar

张树祥1 ,张天昊1 ,张东生2 ,杨秋宁1

1. 宁夏大学 土木与水利工程学院,宁夏 银川 750021;

2. Research Group RecyCon, Department of Civil Engineering, KU Leuven, Campus Bruges,8200, Bruges, Belgium


张树祥,张天昊,张东生,等 . 纳米 SiO2对玄武岩纤维增强煤矸石粉-矿粉基地质聚合物砂浆性能的影响[J].中国粉体技术,2024,30(6):1-14.

ZHANG Shuxiang, ZHANG Tianhao, ZHANG Dongsheng, et al. Effects of nano-SiO2 on properties of basalt fiber-reinforced coal gangue-mineral powder-based polymer mortar[J].China Powder Science and Technology,2024,30(6):1−14.




第一作者简介:张树祥(1997—),男,博士生,研究方向为固废资源化利用。E-mail: zsxiang4531@163. com。

通信作者简介:杨秋宁(1972—),女,教授,博士,博导,研究方向为固废资源化利用。E-mail:yangqn@nxu. edu. cn。

摘要:【目的】 为了改善煤矸石粉-矿粉基地质聚合物砂浆的脆性破坏特征,采用纳米SiO2对玄武岩纤维增强煤矸石-矿粉基地质聚合物砂浆(basalt fiber-reinforced coal gangue-mineral powder-based geopolymer mortar, BGSG)进行改性。【方法】 采用流动度、流变性、抗压强度、抗折强度、单轴拉伸和断裂试验并结合能量准则和微观手段对纳米SiO2增强地质聚合物砂浆的增韧机制进行探讨。【结果】 随着纳米SiO2掺量的增加,BGSG的流动度逐渐下降,BGSG的触变面积、屈服应力和塑性黏度逐渐增大。当纳米SiO2掺量(质量分数)为3%时增韧效果最好,养护龄期为28 d时,纳米SiO2改性BGSG的抗压强度为 22. 3 MPa,抗折强度为 6. 8MPa,极限拉伸强度为 5. 75 MPa,失稳韧度为 0. 534 MPa·m1/2 ,与未掺加纳米SiO2的对照组相比,其抗压强度、抗折强度、极限拉伸强度和断裂失稳韧度分别增长了29. 1%、39. 5%、36. 9%、47. 8%。微观分析表明,纳米SiO2掺入并未改变地质聚合物水化产物的类型。【结论】 纳米SiO2参与聚合反应,促进地质聚合物凝胶的生成,从而增强了BGSG的综合性能。



Objective The approach for preparing a coal gangue-mineral powder-based geopolymer mortar using coal gangue powder and mineral powder as precursors, with water glass and NaOH as alkali activators, mitigates coal gangue accumulation and environmental pollution. However, coal gangue-mineral powder-based geopolymers have inherent defects such as high brittleness, low toughness, and susceptibility to cracking. To improve the fracture characteristics of this geopolymer mortar, nano-SiO2 is introduced to modify basalt fiber-reinforced coal gangue-mineral powder-based geopolymer mortar (BGSG).

Methods The effects of nano-SiO2 on the fluidity, rheology, compressive strength, flexural strength, uniaxial tensile strength,and fracture performance of the geopolymer mortar were evaluated by adjusting the content of nano-SiO2. A control group without nano-SiO2 was used for comparison. The impact of different nano-SiO2 contents (1%,2%,3%) on the performance of the geopolymer mortar, primarily composed of coal gangue powder and mineral powder, was investigated. The mechanisms by which nano-SiO2 affected the geopolymer mortar properties were explored using energy criteria, X-ray diffraction, infrared spectroscopy, and thermogravimetric analysis.

Results and Discussion With the increase in nano-SiO2 content, the fluidity of BGSG decreased. When the nano-SiO2 content reached 3%, the fluidity of the geopolymer was 110 mm, which was 38. 5% lower than that of the control group (179 mm).The thixotropic loop area of BGSG expanded with higher nano-SiO2 content. At nano-SiO2 contents of 1%,2%, and 3%, the loop areas were 3 140,4 080, and 5 000 Pa·s -1 , respectively, showing increases of 21. 2%,57. 5%, and 93. 1% compared to the control group (2 590 Pa·s -1 ).

The yield stress and plastic viscosity of the slurry increased with higher nano-SiO2 content, with yield stress rising from 31. 5 Pa to 72. 7 Pa, and plastic viscosity from 6. 95 Pa·s to 11. 45 Pa·s. The optimal toughening effect was observed at a 3% nano-SiO2 content. After 28 days of curing, the compressive and flexural strengths of the nano-SiO2 modified BGSG were 22. 3 MPa and 6. 8 MPa, respectively, which increased by 29. 1% and 39. 5% compared to the control group.The P-COMD curve became fuller with increasing nano-SiO2 content, showing noticeable improvements in the slope of the rising segment and the area under the curve. Compared to the control group, the fracture energy and ductility index of the specimen with 3% nano-SiO2 increased by 150. 7% and 70. 1%, respectively. Additionally, the tensile performance of the specimens improved with the addition of nano-SiO2. At a 3% nano-SiO2 content, the ultimate tensile strength (σut) was 5. 75 MPa, and the instability toughness (KICun ) was 0. 534 MPa·m1/2 , increasing by 36. 9% and 47. 8%, respectively, compared to the control group. Microstructural analysis revealed that the incorporation of nano-SiO2 did not change the types of hydration products in the geopolymer.

Conclusion Nano-SiO2 enhances the geopolymer mortar performance through filling, pozzolanic, and nucleation effects. Aggregate filling and polymerization reactions improve the pore structure of the matrix and the gaps between the matrix and fibers,thereby increasing the structural density. The addition of nano-SiO2 reduces inherent defects within the geopolymer, strengthens the bonding between the matrix and fibers, and inhibits the initiation and propagation of internal cracks in the geopolymer mortar, thereby improving the toughness and ductility of the coal gangue-mineral powder-based geopolymer mortar. Furthermore,the incorporation of nano-SiO2 significantly enhances the tensile and fracture properties of the geopolymer.

Keywords:geopolymer; coal gangue powder; nano-silica; rheology; toughening mechanism


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