摘要:以氧氯化锆为前驱体 ,通过加入氨水升高溶液的 pH值 ,形成锆的水溶胶。将丙醇逐渐加入锆的水溶液中 ,由于醇的介电常数比水小 ,加醇的结果将降低溶胶介质的介电常数 ,由DLVO理论可知减小介质的介电常数会使胶体颗粒之间的静电斥力下降 ,引起溶胶失稳 ,胶粒互相聚集 ,形成大的球形粒子同液体介质分离。从溶胶中析出的是非晶态的Zr4 O2 (OH) 8Cl4 ,经过 6 5 0℃下煅烧转变成单斜型氧化锆。胶体凝聚过程的动力学方程可写成 :( 1-Y ) -1.5=kt ,其中Y为相对产率 ,该过程的反应活化能为 115 .79kJ/mol
Abstract:Spherical zirconia particles form by coagulation of colloidal particles in zirconium aqueous sols,which are derived from zirconium oxychloride aqueous solution by addition of ammonium hydroxidefollowed by calcination.T he coagulation results from addition of propanol in the sols due to reduction of the dielectric permittivity of the sol medium,leading to lowering the static repulsive force between two colloidalparticles,according to the DLVO theory.T he coagulated spherical particles from zirconium sol are amorphous and in the form of Zr4O2(OH)8Cl4.After calcination at 650℃,they transform into monoclinic zirconia particles.T he coagulation can be expressed by the following equation:(1- Y ) -1.5= kt where Y is relative productivity. T he activation energy of the above reaction is 115.79kJ/mol. The particle size of the calcined zirconia powders decreases with the concentration of zirconia in sols.
Key words:powder;particle;zirconia;sol