摘 要:应用功率谱分析、R/S 分析、混沌分析等对气固流化 床压力波动信号的性质、组成进行了定量解剖。研究表明 流态化压力波动信号由两部分构成:其一是本质随机性信 号如噪音;其二是本质确定性信号。本质确定性信号又有 两种表现形式:其一是周期信号;其二是随机信号这种表面 随机而本质确定性的信号就是混沌信号。
关键词:功率谱分析;R/S 分析;混沌分析;压力波动信号
Abstract:T he properties and components of pressure fluctuation signals in gas-solid fluidized bed was dissected quantitatively by using power spectrum analysisR/S analysis and chaos analysis.T his research shows that signals of prseeure fluctuation can be decomposed into two parts.One is random signalsuch as noise; the other is deterministic signalsuch as periodic signaland chaos signal.Chaos signal is seeming as random aperiodic behavior and is the product of determinism.
Keywords:power spectrum analysis;R/S analysis;chaos analy sis;signals of pressure fluctuation