ISSN 1008-5548

CN 37-1316/TU

2002年8卷  第6期


Measuring and Calculating on Bond Index of Material


摘要:用Excel软件进行粉磨功指数的计算 ,把人工计算容易出错的复杂计算变为迅速、正确的计算 ,大大提高了岩石与人造矿物的易磨性测定速度

关键词: 岩石与人造矿物;粉碎;易磨性

Abstract:By using the Excel to the calculation of Bond index,this complicated calculation becomes rather efficient and precise instead of getting a wrong result by hand.By this method the measuring speed of the grindability of rock and artificial mineral can be greatly improved. 

Keywords:rock and artificial mineral;grinding;grindability