ISSN 1008-5548

CN 37-1316/TU

2004年10卷  第3期


Surface Modification of Heavy Calciam Carbonate Powder by Microwave-aided Method


摘要: 通过与传统的加热搅拌改性方法的比较,微波辅助改性方法在浊度、浸润度、接触角等方面都优于传统改性方法。实验结果表明,该方法不仅能取代传统的改性加热方式,实现对粉料的表面改性,而且可激发物质内部分子进行超高频振动、摩擦,可实现分子水平上的“ 搅拌” 这种“ 激发效应”已开始在高分子合成和固化反应中应用。本文介绍了粉体表面微波辅助改性方法 (发明专利申请号:031282598),提出了一套微波辅助改性装置,并以此对重质碳酸钙粉体表面进行异丙基三异硬脂酸基酸酷 (TTS) 改性,实验表明其效果优于传统的加热搅拌改性。

关键词: 粉体;表面改性;微波

Abstract: By compared to the traditional modification method of heating andstirring, the microwave-aided method has many advantages on cloudinesscontact angle etc. The testing resuts show that this method can re-soakage,place the traditional method to modify the suface of powder and excite themolecules vibrating and rubbing in super-high fregency. The microwaveheating can be considered as a “ stirring "on molecular level, appear to havecertain “ activation effect on materials. A method of surface modification forpowder by microwave-aided is introduced, and a set of installation is given.The surface modification ofheavy calcium carbonate of coating TTS molecularby microwave-aided method is researched. It is verified that the result of microwave-aided surface modification is better than that of traditional methods.

Keywords: powder; surface modification; microwave