摘 要: 以红豆、黑米、铺路石、垫片、大瓷管、中瓷管作为非球形颗粒物料,以硅油作为流态化介质,通过测量液固散式流化床的流速与空隙率的关系,测量了非球形颗粒群在层流区的阻力系数。根据阻力系数和散式流态化 Richarson 和 Zaki 指数的实验结果,经研究和分析,提出了低雷诺数时非球形颗粒群阻力系数的计算公式为CD= 24(εnΨ0.83Re) -1。
关键词: 颗粒群; 流态化; 阻力系数
Abstract: Drag coefficients of various kinds of non-spherical particles in-cluding red bean, black rice, broken stone, spacer and tube type of particlesare investigated by the measurement ofbed expansion of particulate fluidizedbeds at low Reynolds numbers. The measurement results show that theRichardson and Zaki exponents of tube type of particles are much higher thanthose ofotherkinds ofnon-spherical particles. But, the drag coefficient can beexpressed as CD= 24(εnΨ0.83Re) -1. for all the non-spherical particles investigated.
Keywords: fluidized particles; fluidization; drag coefficient