ISSN 1008-5548

CN 37-1316/TU

2004年10卷  第5期


Mechanism of Enwrapping Hollow Tiny Glass Particles with Hydrate Titanium lons




Abstract: The hydrolysis of Ti (IV) and the process of the formation ofelectriferous hydrate titanium ion (ETHl) are intrduced. Based on theanalysis of the hydrolysis process, through the theory of the electrostaticattraction and electric charge neutralization, an explaination about themechanism of enwrapping hollow tiny glass particles (HTCP) with EHTI isprovided. During the enwrapping process, for EHTI have positive charges.and HTCP have negetive charges, these two will neutratlize each other un-til their charges are used up, then came to the turn of Van der Waals in-teraction. When the mumber of the layer has exceeds 5,the Van der Waalsinteraction become so faint that the enwrapping process can not be contin-ued

Key words: hydrate titanium ion; enwrap; tiny glass particle; mechanism