ISSN 1008-5548

CN 37-1316/TU

2004年10卷  第5期


Preparation of Nano-sized TiN Particlesby Hydrogen Arc Plasm Method




Abstract: Nano-sized TiN particles are prepared by using the hydrogenarc plasma method in a mixture of H2 and N2, using titanium metal asstarting material. The morphology and mean particle size are determinedby TEM, it shows that the particles have cubic shape, uniform diameters,preferable dispersivity. The structure of nano-sized TiN particles arecharacterized by XRD, the element content is studied by EDS, it showsthat the particles have high purity. The thermal stability of nano TiN parti.cles is investigated by TG-DSC, it shows that the particles have high thermal stability. The atmosphere pressure on particle diameter is also studied

Key words: nano-sized particle; titaniun nitride; hydrogen arc plasmamethod; prepare