ISSN 1008-5548

CN 37-1316/TU

2005年11卷  第1期


Computer Stimulation of Air-fluented Smashing Collide Process


摘要:将计算机仿真技术引入气流粉碎工艺中。着重论述了将计算机 系统仿真应用于气流粉碎碰撞过程中的具体方法,包括建模、计算以及 真实工况的计算机图像显示等关键步骤,最后指出了集成化、智能化、 可视化是未来仿真技术在气流粉碎过程的应用与发展方向。 


Abstract:Some technologies of computer simulation are introduced into the smashing-mechanic field. The specific method in the course of air fleunted colliding smash,including model building,calculates and the image display of the actual working-situation is emphasized.The competitive,intelligentizing and visualizing are the development and application direction of the computer simulation technique in the air fluent smash field in the future.

Keywords: computer simulation; air-fluented smashing;collide