ISSN 1008-5548

CN 37-1316/TU

2005年11卷  第3期


Determination of Stone Powder's Roundness Indirectly by BET Method


摘 要:为了定量描述石粉颗粒的圆度,本文中提出一种采用BET法间接测定石粉颗粒圆度的新方法,-介绍了其原理和测定方法。实 例表明,石粉颗粒表面的分维数间接地刻画了其圆度,此法可以定 量描述磷渣、水泥、硅粉等粉末颗粒的圆度。 


Abstract:In order to describe the stone particle's roundness quantitatively,an indirect determination of the stone particle's roundness by BET method was proposed. Its principle and method was introduced respectively.It is proved by two examples that the stone particle's roundness can be described indirectly by its fractal dimensions.The roundness of such particles as phosphorous, cement and silica fume, etc can be determined by this method.

Keywords:stone particle; roundness; isothermal adsorption; fractal; fractal dimensions