ISSN 1008-5548

CN 37-1316/TU

2005年11卷  第4期


Effect of Properties of Alumina on Epoxy Resins Cast




Abstract:Properties of alumina filler can have a dominating effect on epoxy resin cast system, not only on viscosity of epoxy resin cast system, quantity, but on appearance, insulated property of product, dispersing of alumina in resin as well. In order to improve the technical parameter and product quality, the effect of alumina with different chemical and physical properties on epoxy resins cast process and mechanical and electrical character of the resins products was studied, especially analyzed the different results due to different particle size and it's distribution , crystal structure , micro-structure, chemical composite of alumina which was used for filler of epoxy resin. Finally suitable particle size and it's distribution, improve of α- ratio, micro-structure, and purity is the way to improve properties of alumina filler.

Keywords:alumina filler;epoxy cast;character