ISSN 1008-5548

CN 37-1316/TU

2005年11卷  第4期


Preparation of Nanoparticles by Ultrasound-mechanical Method




Abstract:The preparation of nanoparticles by ultrasound-mechanical method were studied, which the raw material was SiO2. The effects of the stirred rod's tooth space, reaction time, and concentration of raw material, dispersant concentration and the velocity of stirred rod on the preparation of nanoparticles by ultrasound-mechanical method were investigated. Pulverizing equilibrium of SiO2 nanoparticles was explored during the experiments. The results show that the grain size is smaller and the stability of SiO2 nanoparticles is better by mechanical method with ultrasound. The eminent factors are obtained through two rounds orthogonal experiment result and analysis. With reaction time being the main factor, the stirred rod's tooth space decrease successively.

Keywords:ultrasound;nanoparticles;mechanical process;cavitation