ISSN 1008-5548

CN 37-1316/TU

2005年11卷  第5期


Study on Surface Modification of Bronze Powder




Abstract:In order to give the particularly bright visual effect,the surface modification of bronze powder were done by using three kinds of surfactants to improve the leafing degree of the powder in the application medium.It shows that the degree of floatage in vehicle system will depend on the ability of that vehicle system to wet the flakes;the greater the wetting,the poorer the floating.It proves up the principle of bronze powder treatment and the direction for getting quality bronze powder.The kinds and concentrations of surfactant influencing print glossiness of bronze powder were analyzed.The results indicate that bronze powder will have the lowest wetting degree at the optimum concentration of surfactant,and bronze powder modified with the third kind of surfactant has the highest print glossiness.

Keywords:bronze powder;surfactant;surface modification;wetting;glossiness