摘要:从调压范围、压力特性和流量特性方面介绍了减压阀的主要性能,讨论了气力输送交流中减压阀的选择和调节,分析了密相气 力输送系统中各种气量控制方法,对其各自的优缺点进行了详细讨 论,重点分析减压阀及减压阀与拉法尔联合气量控制系统的优、缺点,表明可调式拉法尔管是今后气力输送气量控制发展的方向。
Abstract:Themain properties ofthe pressure regulators were introduced such as regulating range, pressure character:stic and flow character:stic. The choice and ragulation of the pressure regulator for pneumatic conveying was discussed. The air control modesin dense phase pneumatic conveying were analyzed, and their advantages and disadvantages were discussed in detail. Pressure regulator and pressure regulator-LAVAL air control modes were emphasized. Adjustable LAVAL pipe air control is a developmental direction for pneumatic conveying.
Keywords:pneumatic conveying; air control; pressure regulator