Abstract:For overcoming some disadvantages of peeparing powders by traditional solid-state reactions and liquid-state reactions,the high performance MgTiO3 powder was synthesized using industrial 4MgCO3·Mg(OH)2·6H2O and TiO2 raw materials by gel-casting technique.MgTiO3 powder was first calcined quickly to 1 100 ℃ with holding 4 hours.The results showed that MgTiO3 powder had regular shape,uniform distribution,no great aggregations with d50 of 0.82 μm and BET of 2.38m2/g.MgTiO3 phase exceed 98% and acid solubility is less than 1%.This MgTiO3 powder was suit to filling materials for some coating.
Keywords:gel-casting; MgTiO3 powders; calcine; coating