摘要:超脆硬物料(如金属硅、碳化硅、玻璃等)的粉碎加工,由于硬 度高,一般要求无铁污染、粒度集中,目前国内一直缺少节能、高效、 高品质的理想加工设备。本文中研制开发了该类物料的粉碎设备— 特种盘式磨粉机,介绍了盘式磨的工作机理,讨论了影响盘式磨磨 粉质量的生产率的一些因素。
Abstract: The ideal pulverizers with energy saving, high efficiency and high quality for the super-brittle-hard materials such as metal Si,SiC, glass, etc were absent. The special disc pulverizer for the super-brittle hard materials was developed. The working principle of this pulverizer was introduced and the effective factors on powder quality and produc tion efficiency were discussed.
Keywords: super-brittle-hardmaterials;disc pulverizer; wording principle