ISSN 1008-5548

CN 37-1316/TU

2006年12卷  第3期


Applications of Nona-technology in Cement Industry


摘 要:介绍了纳米技术及纳米材料的的概念,指出纳米技术在自 然科学世界已进入全盛时代,纳米技术和纳米材料正逐步扩展应用 于军事、医药、化工、环保、信息、机械等各领域。综述了近年来在水 泥领域中纳米技术的国内外应用研究现状,探讨了在传统材料水 泥、混凝土领域中应用纳米技术的前景。 


Abstract:The concepts of nano-technology and nano-materials are in troduced. It is pointed out that the nano-technology and nano-materials have been in their prime which are applied gradually in many fields such as military, medicine, chemical industry, environmental protection, information, machinery, etc. The research situations of the nano-tech nology applied in cement industry at home and abroad are reviewed. The prospects of the applications of nano-technology in traditional ce ment and concrete are discussed. 

Keywords: cement; cement industry; concrete; nano-technology; nano-materials