ISSN 1008-5548

CN 37-1316/TU

2007年13卷  第5期

有机分散介质中纳米 SiC 粉体稳定悬浊液的制备

Preparation of High Stability Suspension of SiC Nano-particles in Organic Solvent

作者:宋春军, 徐光亮, 熊 昆


关键词: 纳米SiC;分散;分散介质

Abstract: The preparation of well dispersed stable suspension of nano-particles is the key process of forming of a green body with homogeneous microstructure and low defects. The effects of ultrasonication and HF washing on SiC nano-particles were analyzed by Zeta potential, particle size distribution and SEM. The stability of suspension of SiC in ethanol, ethanediol and mixture of the two medias with PEG as dispersant at different pH were compared. The optimum ultrasonication time for SiC nano-particles was obtained. The influence of HF washing on SiC nano-particles was discussed; and high stability of SiC nano-particles suspension was achieved at pH=10 in ethanediol with 1wt% PEG as dispersant. 

Keywords: SiC nano-particles; dispersion; dispersion media