摘 要: 当粉体的尺度达到纳米级时, 就会有独特的性能和广泛的应 用。但是由于其较小的粒度, 因此在制备和应用的过程中容易发生团 聚。本文中对超细粉末的团聚机理进行了介绍, 同时分析了液相法制 备超细粉体过程中团聚形成的原因, 以及团聚程度的表征和减少团聚 的方法。另外对今后的发展方向提出了一些建议。
关键词: 超细粉体; 团聚; 机理
Abstract: When the particle size of powder decreses to nanoscale, it has many novel properties and therefore has numerous application. However, the agglomeration is caused easily in the process of preparation and appli cation because of its higher surface energy. The mechanism and charac terization and countermeasures of the agglomeration of ultra-fine parti cles prepared from wet-chemical precipitation are presented. In addtion, the suggestions were proposed for the future development of nano-tech nology.
Keywords: ultra-fine particle; agglomeration; mechanism