摘 要:对活性炭制备的活化机理和再生进行了综述,探讨了水蒸气 活化、二氧化碳活化、氯化锌活化、磷酸活化和氢氧化钾活化的活化机 理,重点阐述了木质废弃物和城市污水污泥等固体废弃物为原料制备 活性炭,介绍了几种活性炭再生的主要方法:热再生法、化学药品再生 法、超临界萃取再生法和生物再生法等。 最后介绍了活性炭未来的研 究方向。
Abstract: The activation mechanism and regeneration of producing acti vated carbon were summarized. The activation mechanism of H2O, CO2, H3PO4, ZnCl2 and KOH were emphatically discussed. The sewage sludge and agriculture wastes should become the important source of activated carbon. A series of methods for activated carbon regeneration were intro duced, such as thermal regeneration, chemical regeneration, extraction with supercritical fluids and biological regeneration. The future of acti vated carbon was discussed.
Keywords: activated carbon; activation mechanism; solid wastes; regen eration